Chapter 37: She Deserves It

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Every time a blast of magic looks like it's heading my way, Tejus dissipates us. After the twentieth time, I snap.

"For fuck sake, Tejus. I know how to deflect magic. We need to get to Decan and say the spell! Your wasting time-"

"I can't help it! I see you in danger and I'm reacting. I can't lose you both again. I can't!" He exclaims as he grabs my face and I see the love and fear. The anguish.

"You need to try. We can only do this if we all do it together. I need you all to pull this off. We'll all be fine. We have to be. As for our baby girl, I think she's capable of protecting herself, as well as her mummy. She's shown her power already and-" I cut off when I see Tejus and me glow, then I feel a movement. I gasp and grab his hands, lifting my top and placing them palm down on my stomach. Then I feel another twinge and I look at him.

"Did you feel that?" A tear escapes his eye as he nods.

"She's telling you that we've got this! Let's put an end to him so that we can enjoy her" He kisses me then says.

"Ok, Princess. I'll try! But you're both in danger and it's hard to not get you out of it. You're the most important person to me, even more so now. I just… can't we leave the guys to do it!? You have-" He's repeating himself in his fear and getting hysterical, so I do something I hope will snap him out of it. SLAP! My hands go straight to my mouth in disbelief as he stares at me open-mouthed in shock. Shit, maybe I went too far!

"You're fucking lucky I love you. And that I needed that-"

"I am so sorry. But I need to get to Decan. Not run and hide while we lose the others. I can't live with that. Can you!?" He looks at me, gritting his teeth.

"Do you have something in mind? To finish this? Then we kill him?" He asks. I don't want to tell them I don't plan to kill him and his followers. That I'm not going to go home and leave it to them. I think what I have planned is going to be a fate worse than death.

"Yes. But we need to stop him from being able to use his magic first" I tell him.

"Then tell us how we do that. I will find it easier letting you go out there if I know the fucking plan, Princess! And once he's down, we go home. Promise me!" He snaps desperately. See, I knew that he would want me out of the way so they could torture him.

"Ok. Calm down"
"Guys, I just need to get close enough to throw a spell at him. So, you all need to work together and distract him, pin him down somehow, I don't know. Use all your gifts. I'm going to render him immobile as soon as I can get close enough. Is that understandable"

"Yes, love" Blake says.
"Don't come out until one of us tells you!" Dravon snaps.
"Flower, just keep watch and stay hidden, then strike when there's an opening," Caleb says, being both protective and supportive. He always manages to stay neutral to a degree. The others are one way or the other, but know I'm going to do it anyway. I look at Tejus and he sighs.

"I can't stop you, Princess. No matter how much I want to. So let's go find you an opening" He says in defeat. We hide behind a Bush and watch as the others start working together. They start using all they have, so Zander is in one place, then another striking. And the others follow suit. And it's working because Decan's face is scrunching up in anger. I even see a little blood on the corner of his mouth from where Blake used a portal to drop him through and made him land on his face.

The next time I see Blake use his portal and I see where it leads to, I know this is the time. So when he falls through it, I grab hold of Tejus and dissipate us to where Declan will land and I start saying the spell, so it finishes when he's on the floor.

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