Chapter 44: You Ready, Firefly?

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I'm in the kitchen with Keelan who's watching me like a hawk, Dravon, the twins, Blake, Zander, and Darian, when Meryn and Tejus come In. He walks over and kisses me, as she wraps her arms around my legs. 

"Morning, mummy," She shouts.

"I fucking love you" Tejus growls and kisses me again. 

"Morning, Jellybean. Where's Sebastian, Caleb, Kiden, and Kaiden?" I ask.

"They went for a walk. Kaiden kept shouting duck and Kiden would say quack, so they took them to the pond. They're on their way back though" Zander tells me. Good, because I'm starting to get twinges. 

We all sit and eat, Keelan constantly asking if I'm good. You'd think they'd all have learned from the first time to not keep asking me that. Then Sebastian walks in with Kiden and Caleb walks in with Kaiden, who has his hands out, opening and closing them, when he sees me and says.

"Mummy. On't oo" Caleb brings him to me and kisses me. Kaiden looks curious when he sees him kiss me and pulls himself up, and kisses my lips too. He then turns to his daddy and says very sternly.

"My mummy" Making Kiden say.

"No! My mummy!" And squirms to get out of Sebastian's arms. I tickle Kaiden and say.

"Yes both of your mummies, now eat your breakfast" He plonks down in my lap and decides to help me eat my toast, instead of his porridge. Kiden waddles over and Caleb picks her up so she can kiss my lips like her daddy and brother did. Then Caleb keeps her on his lap while she eats her porridge. 

I'm now getting uncomfortable with Kaiden on my lap and a huge bump In the way that is starting to contract, and they're getting closer and closer together. It's getting near the time we go to the hospital. Seeing my face as a contraction hits, Caleb says.

"Come on, little man. Let's go and get yours and your sister's bag down ready for nanny's House"

"I on't oo ay, mummy!" He wails. I kiss his cheek and say.

"I want to stay with you too, baby, but mummy has to go to hospital now. Your baby sister is coming, remember? So you're going to stay with your nanny and grandad for the night. It will be fun" I manage to get that out before the next one hits me. Everyone's chair scrapes back, then they pick the kids up, and all say.

"Won't be long, dropping off, then we'll meet you at hospital OK. Love you" Blake helps Dravon take Asher, and Sebastian helps Caleb take Kiden, as Kaiden clings to me not wanting to let go. 

"Come on, buddy. It's not for long, I promise. But mummy needs to get to the hospital now and you can't come" He prise his hands from around my neck and I give him a kiss on his little cheek. It breaks my heart as Caleb walks out the room with him crying his eyes out for me. Keelan wraps his arms around me and says. 

"He will be fine when he's with his nanny. You ready, firefly?" Taking a deep breath I stand and say.

"Yeah. Let's go"


Many years later...

I walk into the house as it's finally finished. We've been crashing in one of the pack houses, but it's finally finished after three months. In the end, Kylie was happy for it to all be knocked down and rebuilt to how she needed it. It's so big it's like a fucking hotel! We all have the entire top floor as our room, with one giant bed, she had Blake and me make. Though she said when she gets pregnant again, she will most likely kick some of us out of the bed, we can just use the empty spare rooms for now. 

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