Chapter 29: You Done?

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I don't want to let go of her. For the first time in weeks! I don't have any ill feelings towards her. No thoughts of ending her. Because all I felt was her sadness, pain and love. And I can't believe she's fucking pregnant! And Tejus is the father. Lucky bastard. I can't wait to have a kid with her and I know the others feel the same. But we're happy for them. She breaks our kiss when Keelan says

"I don't get it. Why is she herself right now?" I don't release her and she seems happy to stay in my arms as she asks him

"What are you going on about?...Oh shit my bacon!" Of course she's asking about food. But Tejus went and took over when she started kissing and hugging us all.

"Don't worry, Princess. I've done it for you"

"Thank you, Daddy. We appreciate it…. Now, I don't think I have long and I want to feel like I've actually been able to get through to you" She says. I don't think any of us understand what she means.

"Flower, what do you mean you don't have long?" 

"Until my dream ends! I could wake any minute or worse, he could wake me" I don't like this one bit. She thinks she's dreaming?

"Start with Who then what, when, where and why?" Blake says. I pull her over to the kitchen island and sit with her in my lap, as she starts.

"Decan. Decan has me. Decan is Declan. He used a spell like the one we used on Tejus… Thank you" Tejus places a plate of bacon infront of her and a glass of milk. She takes a bite and moans.

"That tastes so good. I haven't eaten anything but what? 5 apples maybe. And the sickness! Stop fucking going Into a room with her, just.. stay away. It hurts more when I have nothing in my stomach to bring up" She says to Tejus.

"I'm sorry, Princess. And I promise, I won't be going anywhere near her" She looks at him curiously, as she pulls him down onto the stool beside us, then carries on.

"He's managed to switch our souls around. Me and that bitch Amylia, who you know as Amy, she was wearing a fucking face too. Because she's actually the woman in your premonitions, Caleb"

"Why has he switched you?" Zander asks

"Where are you?" Dravon growls 

"I thought as much, but how has he switched you? You can't possibly mean your soul. Because it's not possible" I ask. I need to know if I'm right. Maybe she means it differently.

"Yes, Caleb. My soul. I don't know how? Mum said he used to have the same gift I now have. Maybe he created one. He switched me because he wants to force a mating on me which can't happen if I'm in my body-"

"Are you fucking telling me he mated with you?" Tejus growls angrily.

"Have you felt the stab of betrayal?.. No.. Well there's your answer. Our souls are connected, that's what causes the pain. So you would feel it if he did, but he's waiting for Amy to get pregnant. Apparently it will confuse my soul, fracturing all of yours and my bond. Meaning he can mate with me, as my soul or bond will latch onto his or I don't really know! He doesn't know I'm already pregnant though. As for where I am, I don't know. I've been in this one room, chained the whole time. I think I'm still at Declan's. But I know he's blocking you all from finding it somehow." She's going to have been through hell already. I just know it. And we've all been idiots thinking she's here with a spell the whole time. 3 fucking weeks and we have no idea what she's been going through.

"Ma moitié. What has he been doing with you?" Sebastian asks the question we were all thinking. She looks down at the table and doesn't answer at first, seeming like she's back there in that room maybe.

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