Next patients

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Y/n stands in front of the next door.

''Alright, room 502. This is patient 473, let's see who we got.''

Name: Min Yoongi

Age: 28

Species: Puma (Eastern cougar)

Special note: very quiet-mind control-don't disturbe if sleeping.

Reason of stay: violating private property-lighting a building on fire-kidnapping-murder.

'' jeeze how many things have these guys done? Kidnapping?! Oh my goodness, why did I ever agree to do this?''

I slowly breathe in and out before stepping in.

''Hello sir...........I got your food and medication.''

I slowly walk inside, and try to be as quiet as possible.

Eventually a man appears sitting on the ground, he looks like he is about to fall asleep. With his eyes half-open and his hair a bit messy.

He has smaller ears than the wolf from before and appears to have a slimmer tail too. His yellow eyes are gorgous and his pale skin is flawless.

''Ummm Yoongi right?, please try to stay awake. You need your medicine and food.''

Yoongi ignores her and stares into nothingness.

''Hello Yoongi? Are you hearing me?'' 

Y/n tries to touch his cheek but her hand get's grabbed before she can do that.

''When I ignore you, I want to be left alone. Can't you understand that?''

''Yoongi, I'm sorry, please let go of my wrist.''

Yoongi doesn't answer but suddenly his grip on her wrist tightens.

''ahhh, let go.'' 

I quickly close my mouth after that shamefull sound accidentally comes out, Yoongi smirks a little bit.

''beg for it.''


''You heard me-'' Yoongi says.

''Beg for me to let you go.'' He tightens his grip even more and I begin to feel tears in my eyes.

''come on, you bitch. BEG!'' 

''ALRIGHT!, Please Yoongi, please let go of me.'' I am crying by now.

''Good girl, now get out.''

Yoongi let's go and stands up, he takes the medicine, swallows it and sits back down on the floor.

Both of them look at each other for a while before Yoongi breaks the silence.

''Well are you going to go or do I have to drag you out by your hair?''

That is enough for Y/n to move her feet and bolt out of the door.

''Heh, their so easy.'' Yoongi chuckles.


''AHHH! I swear I should just go back home.'' Outside Y/n is stomping around in front of yet another door. 

''How many people do I have left anyways? Five, just five.''

She quickly takes in the information of the next patient.

Name: Kim Seokjin

Age: 29

Species: White wolf

Special note: Intimidating-fake-don't make fun of his face.

Reason of stay: Murder-stealing-illegale use of chainsaw.

Chills went down my spine as I read what was listed.

''Great, another crazy dude.''

I quickly checked his number.

503, patient number 142

Again I just went straight inside.

''Good morning-''

''Oh good morning darling!''

Y/n is confused as she hears a cheerful voice cut her off.

''Hello! You're new here aren't you? I've never seen you before, You are really pretty. Is this my medication and food? Just put it there.'' 

The man points towards the table next to his bed, I put his food there and I turn back to him.

He puts his hands quickly behind his back as if he was trying to do something to me if I didn't turn around quick enough. 

I observed him, he had beautiful white wolf ears and white eyes to match, his thick tail was slowly moving from left to right and he was incredibly handsome.

''Hello darling, checking me out are we?''

Seokjin smiled and patted Y/n's head.

''What no! I wasn't doing that. Now please take the medicine so I can continue.'' I blush a little

''Sure thing, darling''

Seokjin walked over to the table and took the medication.

Y/n didn't notice the smirk he had on his lips while being out of her sight.

''Well until so far you have been on of the nicest patients I've had.'' I say

''REALLY? I deserve a reward for being good?''

Seokjin looks at her with a small smile.

''uhhh, I'll think about it. I will be going now, I still have four more people to go. Bye Seokjin!''

Y/n waves at him with a smile and Seokjin does the same until she is out of sight.

''..................ugh, humans are such a pest and their so easy to manipulate. It's going to be one hell of a rollar coaster, darling.............................I can't wait to break you.''

He laughs a bit until it slowly turns more crazy.

''I will see you soon~''



How are you doing?

I'm doing fine.

What did you think of the chapter?

I hope it's okay, I will try to upload as much as possible.

I will see you soonnnnn. bye (^-^)

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