The night

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*Warning: disturbing language, mention of r*pe, ab*se, overall you have been warned*

Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, SH*T!

I'm standing infront of Jimin frantically looking around to the other guys.

This can't be possible right?

I mean, I've managed to avoid all of them so many times.

I don't want this, why is nobody going against this?

My terror must have been visible on my face, because Jimin only smirks at me.

''Don't worry baby~ I promise you, I will try to also make it feel good for you.''

He smirks and looks around at the other guys.

They are all stand around in a circle, looking mad.

''He won fair and square, tonight is his night. Besides, once we get out of here, we can all have a taste.'' 

Namjoon looks mad and frustrated as he says this and eventually walks away.

''If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room.''

With that he leaves, soon Yoongi follows.

''Whatever, I will have her eventually, just like Hoseok did.''

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that, Hoseok also had a night with me but he didn't do anything. All tho I did have a lot of pain in my back from sleeping in that darn bathtub. 

I snap out of my thoughts to see Jungkook also turn to leave the room, Taehyung follows him.

''If you need me, just call for me.''

Jin mumbles, but I can't figure out if he was talking to me or Jimin.

Hoseok is the last one remaining.

When he eventually walks past me I can just barely catch the words from his mouth.

''I'm gonna help.''

I'm left dumbfounded at what he means by that but quickly get pulled back to reality.

Because as soon as the door closes, Jimin almost jumps me.

He moves so fast, that I cannot even follow him, but I do suddenly feel the wall behind me.

''Hey baby~~ do you know how long I've been waiting for this? I've had so many dreams about us, so many fantasies, and now...........I can make those come true.''

His smirk is scaring me as I can only imagine the many things he has been dreaming about.

''You don't have to do this you know, you can-'' I try to say.

''Shut up, I don't want to hear it.''

Jimin takes both of my wrists in one hand and pins them against the cold, metal surface of the wall. Chills appear as soon as my skin comes in contact with it.

''I just want to taste you.''

His eyes are beautiful but dangerous as they catch my gaze. I wish I could change his mind, but his thoughts are anchored and I know nothing will stop him now.

He slowly leans towards me and tries to kiss me.

However I still have a bit of my dignity left and turn my head away from him.

His lips land on my cheek and even though they pauze for a moment, soon they start dancing across my cheek to my neck.

He wastes no time in attacking the soft flesh and leaves painful marks behind.

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