Oops! Sorry Satou

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     I shot back as quickly as I could, trying my best not to teleport to Texas again. I took several steps away and let go of his hand. I panicked.

     What have I done!? I didn't know what I was doing! Why was I doing what I was doing?! I really messed up badly, I know that for sure!

Oh god, oh no! I'm know I made a huge mistake. Satou's face said it all!

     He was completely red and embarrassed. I feel awful for doing that to him. And it was all my fault. I tried to fix the issues I caused him before, but I only ended up adding more problems to the pile!

     Satou remained still. He's in complete shock. Crap! He will never forgive me for this! We are done for, I know it! He hates me! He's gonna cut off what we. are! He's never gonna speak to me again! I've really messed up this time! Aaaah! What do I do!?


     Oh, man! Here it comes! A life without Satou! I can't go on living without his ordinariness! He's everything to me! So average! So perfect! I can't go through life without him! I can't. I can't! NO!

"W-What was th-that?"

I have to do something...

"D-D-Did you j-just..."

I have to fix this, fast!

"t-t-try to...U-Um...K-K-Ki-"

"I'm so sorry, Satou!"

I swiftly got down to a 90° angle and bowed.

I had no other choice but to beg for his forgiveness. I can't risk losing him like this. I don't want all my efforts of trying to befriend him to go to waste.

If I lose him now then I'll never become average! And my hopeful life of peace and quiet will cease to exist! Forever!My life will be ruined if he leaves me! I must do everything in my powers to gain back his trust and hopefully maybe become his friend one day.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that to you and put you in such an uncomfortable position

I kept my head down and my eyes shut. I couldn't see his expressions. And I'm afraid to look. I'm afraid to see a face of disgust or anger towards me. Although I do believe after everything I put him through, I deserve it.

"I didn't know what I was thinking! I acted out of impulse! And I made you super uncomfortable!

I'm so very sorry, Satou!"


It's silent. Satou hasn't moved yet. I'm really starting to get worried. I know he will turn and leave me here alone. I don't deserve forgiveness from him. I know he will...

*step* *step* *step*


Satou...Walked toward me? And he's right in front of me? What is he going to do? I'm afraid. I'd rather be anywhere else in the world but here right now!

But at the same time, I know I need to be here. I need to face my punishment. This is all my fault and I need to pay for my consequences.


Here it comes...again...

"Saiki, it's ok! Don't worry about it! It was just a simple mistake! There's no need to be so apologetic about it, it's alright!"

W-W-WHAT? HE FORGAVE ME? HOW? I thought for sure he would end things between us! But I was, wrong...?

I stop bowing and look up to meet his eyes. They were pure and kind-hearted. They showed nothing but sweet and innocent intent. There was no disgust or hate in them at all. They were completely average.

Saiki and Satou's Ordinary AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now