Do Not Are Have Worry

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Satou is worried about me. His expression says it all. I'd feel bad if I make him worry. I've already done so much to him. I got to play this one off.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said simply. My already emotionless voice didn't leave too much room for suspicion. Even so, I could tell the others weren't very convinced.

Kaido stated for a little bit but after a while he let it go with a shrug and a look of confusion. He went back to talking to Kuboyasu, and Yumehara and Arisu continued their conversation.

     But Satou kept his eyes on me. He wasn't moving. Hii seemed puzzled by his continuous staring.

     Is Saiki really fine? He doesn't seem to be. He's quieter than usual. And by quieter I mean theres no talking at all. Strange...

     Although upon reading his thoughts, I can tell he's not convinced.

I try to avoid his eyes, I feel like it would make things worse for me, mentally, emotionally, whatever.

After a few more seconds, Satou snaps out of his trance from Hii waving her hand in front of his face. He looks down at her and apologizes softly. He smiles and the two continue talking.

To be honest, I'm kind of envious of Hii. She has the honor of being with the most average person in the world and doesn't even realize it. I should be in her place, I'm aware and actually deeply respects his averageness. And I'm sure she doesn't. Tch.

Plus, I'm the one that saved him from falling to his death on that bridge. What did she do? Absolutely nothing! Why is he with her and not me? This doesn't make any sense. Is this another human emotion thing that I don't understand?

I'm not sure, but I'm feeling, sad. I don't like feeling this feeling. This feeling of sadness makes me feel sad. Yes.

And the more I think about this crisis the sadder I become. I should stop thinking about him and find something else to think about. Something else that makes me happy...
Hmmm...Coffee jelly...
 absolute treasure of a dessert...topped with fluffy whipped cream...surrounded by small tasty accents of items and sweats...easy in, easy out with a spoon...and wonderfully textured in the mouth...

It's simply the best dessert ever's brown, shiny, and beautiful...and perfect...

My eyes take a quick glance over to Satou again. It was unintentional but happened anyway. When it happened, I notice something interesting. Satou's hair was the same exact color as the coffee jelly I really like. What a nice coincidence.

     One of these days when we're back home and closer as friends, I've got to take take him out to get a coffee jelly at my favorite cafe. That would be real nice.

Ah man, I'm back to thinking about Satou again. Coffee jelly reminds me too much of him. I got to think about something else. Something that makes me happy. Hmmm...Sato- no wait can't think about him.





Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh-I can't think of anything else that makes me happy! All I ever think about is Satou or coffee jelly!Are those really the only things that make me happy? Hm...Yeah, I guess they are. That's...Kind of sad...

Well, I guess it's not all that bad. I mean, as long as I have those things in my life then I'll be happy! Right?

"Hehehe, your funny Satou!"

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