Chapter 1: Jærvun.

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A young Væltrà wakes up to what seems like a bleak morning. Though it wasn't raining, it was the exact opposite actually, it was sunny, it was bright and there was the usual stillness every morning brought on. It was bleak because today is his first day in training.

Jærvun had always lived peacefully with his family, his mother and father were just your every day normal Væltrà, tending to those in need,making casual clothes for retired soldiers and generally being, as we say, Boring.

Jærvun's daily routine was:
1. Fix himself up
2. Fly for a few minutes
3. Make food. (This was a bit newer since it was only added 2 months ago.)
4. Train his magic
5. Help his mother
6. Free until the end of the day
7. Sleep.

That was broken only yesterday when his father said

'Son. You should become a soldier.'

At first. Jærvun thought it was a joke, his father was the brunt of the family's humor, making the bad times seem good.
But he wasn't joking this time.

Becoming a soldier in væltrà society is seen as a way to seek fame and is the first stepping stone to becoming a Çhirē or even a royal if you were vigilant enough.

So for Jærvun, this was a sign that his father and possibly his mother either want grandchildren with Çhirē blood in their veins or they were planning on giving him another sibling.

It was never a bad thing to become a çhirē since it only gave you benefits that you can use to help your family. So Jærvun was in no way able to deny his father in his request.

His elder sister Shiyīvnē was already a respected çhirē when he was born, and he only sees her on rare occasions when she decides to give her latest trophy to their mother. Whenever he could muster up the courage to talk to her, he would always feel like he was being looked down upon. So Jærvun was already on edge because he knew that he would have to train under her since she was the only family they had in the Røwstíol, not to mention how he sees her.

But he didn't have time to worry about that. He had to prepare for training. And he had to relish the last hour he would be considered as an every day normal Væltrà. His sister was going to personally train him and he has to Be good enough to impress her.

He stretched his wings, the sun rays making his green feathers shine a beautiful lime. He fixed his hair, got into his normal day clothing and jumped out of the window to fly.

Or at least he would have if his best friend didn't fly headfirst into his stomach and nearly knock him out.

'Oh! That's one way to start my day.' Jærvun said, clutching his stomach in pain.

As he rolled around the floor trying to return to reality, his best friend, Yùleyne stood up and dusted her wings.

'Well I knew you would be a nervous wreck today. Had to make you focus on something else.' She said with a smile and offered him a helping hand up.

'Yeah I'm not falling for that.' Jærvun said, knowing his best friend has drain magic,stood up on his own.
'so apart from you attempting to murder me, what brings you here?' he asked, still recovering from the pain.

Yùleyne held out a wrapped object.

'Well, I wanted to give you this' she said. 'Think of it as a gift for the last day we'll see each other like this.

'I'm not going to war you know, it's only training' he said, unwrapping the object.
'Plus, it's my sister, she'll go easy on me.'

Yùleyne placed a hand on his shoulder, making him shiver.

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