Chapter 17: Improvise, adapt, overcome.

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Bringing ourselves back to Gärehn. He was made to sit in the waiting area as the council decided what to do with his assassin.

He was unable to hear most of it because every time he went close to the door of the main council room, the Elite guards that were posted at the entrance told him that since he wasn't part of the council, he shouldn't enter when a trial is going on.

From what he heard, there were talks of exile...

All Gärehn could do was wait.

It made him feel unwell, there was a sense of light dread looming around the area.

Gärehn decided that it wasn't the best idea to stay.

And so, he walked off. Trying to keep his mind off what just happened. Instead thinking of

'Oh, nice seeing you here.' A voice called out to him.

The source of the voice put comfort in Gärehn.

'Hello Bælphê. How have you been?'

It was a sight for sore eyes. A familiar face that didn't put anxiety in him.

It was his old colleague. Bælphê Kàzüyē.

'How have YOU been?!' she asked in return. With a big smile on her face.
'Last time I saw you, you looked horrible.'

Gärehn could only shrug.
'I've only been gone for a year, Bæ'

'Do you have any idea how long 592 days are? That's at least 30 thousand hours.'

'You're not that far, actually. A full year is approximately 34,336 hours.' Gärehn said, earning a giggle from Bæ

'Even now, you're still the Væltràn encyclopedia. Hehe, never change, ok?'

'I will try...'

'Oh, if you have time next week, I have the day off, we can hang out.'
She looks at her wrist.
'Ok I have to go now. See you next week, hopefully.'

'Uh, yeah...' Gärehn says as she walks away.

With his short lived relief out of the way, Gärehn continued his original plan.

Gärehn decided that flying home was his best choice as of right now... Or was it?

His mind still wandered, nothing seemed to stick in his thought processes.

Then something grasped his shoulder.

Immediately, Gärehn turned around and got into a fighting stance.

'Calm down, it's still me.' Bæ said to him.
'I almost forgot to give this back.'

She handed Gärehn a pen.

'Alright, that's all I wanted to do. Have a day.'

Gärehn could only scratch his head and continued to go home.

Once he was home, Gärehn almost repeated the events of yesterday.

But he was able to stand up and manage to close his door.

'Now what?' he asked himself...

His wounds still ached, and he felt slow...

He decided he would lay down and just sleep it off for now. There would be more for him later in the day.

Back at the council, they were debating on what to do now.

'These assassinations have been getting more and more frequent over the past year.' Çhirē Hēygyumē said.
There's no other alternative, Queen Kreïgmëne, we mustn't just let this go unpunished.'

The thought of making a disasterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin