Chapter 21: Calm Aura.

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Before continuing their march, the group trained...

Gärehn and Jærvun were both stood front and center, facing all 3 Çhirē...

Since Jærvun had injured his arm, there was no way combat training was an option...

Shiyīvnē pinched the bridge of her nose.

She stepped aside and pat Yùleyne forward.

'Teach them... Something... We can't afford more injuries here...' she said to her.

'... Well.... I guess that takes combat out of our options...' Yùleyne said as she watched Shiyīvnē walk away...

Returning her gaze to her brother and her lover...

'Alright you two... Let me think for a second...'

She slowly realized that there wasn't much she could teach them right now...

'Shouldn't we teach them about Battle tactics?' Çhirē Trìßtell asked.

'We don't have any battle props for them to simulate with.' Shiyīvnē said from where she sat...

'and these two aren't going to be commanders they will be vanguard. They will be trained to follow orders, not give them.'

Yùleyne gave out a sigh...

'Alright... Let me think...'

After a bit of pacing, she came back and ordered the two back into formation.

'Alright... Since you're gonna be vanguards. I'm gonna teach you something that's gonna be crucial to break enemy formation.'

She moved closer to Jærvun...

'Alright... Ehh..... Darling.... Have you ever tried to manifest an aura?'


'Do you even know what an aura looks like?'

'I have a vague idea, but I don't think you're thinking what I'm thinking...'

Jærvun wasn't sure where to look.

'Alright... then look me in the eyes.' Yùleyne said, as Çhirē Trìßtell shifted back a couple of steps.

Jærvun did as he was told.

The second he looked into her eyes. They contracted...

And so did Jærvun's throat...

She grasped onto his face.

When she let go of his face, his throat loosened up as well..

'I did that to you the day before, as well... So it might be familiar...'

'I remember something else happening after you had done it, though.'

She then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

'There, is that good enough for you?'

He nodded.

'Alright... Moving on.' Yùleyne continued.
'What I just showed you was my aura... The easiest way to describe it is a version of your magic used to induce a certain effect... That effect is dependent on what your magic is...'

Jærvun nodded along to her explanation.

'The ones with more combat focused magics tend to have auras that work better alone than in a group...'

Jærvun remembered seeing Çhirē Trìßtell move back a couple of steps before Yùleyne activated her aura.

'What counts as a combat focused magic?' he asked.

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