Chapter 5: Learning the basics.

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Jærvun was enjoying his recovery. He was basically living his parents' life. All he did was enjoy his day, eat, sometimes walk around, sleep, repeat. Looking out of the window of his room, He was savoring the moments before his released

His first weeks were horrible. Due to the immense damage his sister caused, his wings had to be straightened out before they were healed so they would come back normal, so they had to break them again whenever they showed any sign of recovery, which was way harder to do since the doctors were, unsurprisingly, way weaker than Shiyīvnē. So they had to rely on hammers and creative usage of corners to have the same effect.

The process took almost a month to just straighten his wings correctly, a whole month to heal them to the bare minimum, then two whole weeks before he was able to move them again. It was extremely painful and exhausting. But he always had Yùleyne to talk to when the day was over. So it was bearable.

Jærvun wasn't allowing his current situation make him fully comfortable. It was probably his only chance to experience comfort, But judging from how Shiyīvnē put him into this situation in the first place, he didn't want to be sent back to the hospital because of a beating after he had just recovered from a beating.

His sister made visits every now and again. Even helping break his wings at one point. But mostly she seemed to visit only to take note of his recovery and how he's feeling. She barely socializes with him apart from the almost routine questions she asks him every visit.

Unlike Yùleyne who visited every day and always had something to talk about, his sister seemed to actively avoid having conversation with him. Like how they were before his training began.

He didn't think about it when he was recovering, but he was beginning to think he had either actually failed the test or that he had another task that he is currently failing.

He was beginning to think about what task he could possibly be failing at this point, what secret objective Shiyīvnē had set for him to complete that he was wasting time not completing, Something, anything that he could have possibly done during his recovery that would have been even slightly considered a task.

*Knock knock knock*

Jærvun was instantly knocked out of his hysteria-driven trance.

'The door is open. Come in.' He said, believing it to be Yùleyne wanting to see him off before he was to be returned to the back breaking training his sister had in store for him, he kept looking through the window onto the hospital back lawn where the weak and frail were enjoying their morning, playing Krõumçol, arm wrestling using their magics, just generally enjoying their time and recovery.

'I'm surprised you're choosing to stay in your room despite having fully recovered.' Said a familiar voice.

'Well. I'll have plenty of time to do what they're doing once my sister eventually sends me back here.'

'Believe me, that beating I gave you will be the worst one. At least for your current training.' The voice said.

Jærvun hadn't been paying full attention to the voice, and confused by what the voice had said, he turned around.

Instead of Yùleyne, who he was expecting, it was Shiyīvnē.

this surprised the younger sibling, who wasn't expecting to see her at all today.
'What are you doing here?' He asked, still processing her appearance.

'Well, as your mentor, I think I'm obligated to do this or you won't want to come back.' Shiyīvnē starts grooming her wings.
'Plus, I won't be wasting the two months of preparation I went through just because you're recently recovered.

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