Chapter 8: Strength is shown, not boasted.

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While Jærvun was enduring the task of not passing out, he could only stare at his best friend, hoping she wouldn't walk back to the place where the guard was posted just to spite him.

'What?' She asked him.

'Nothing, I'm just trying to not pass out.' he replied.

'I just woke up from passing out earlier, I passed out during my first training session too. And during my initiation, I passed out there as well. My luck has taken a turn for the worse hasn't it?'

This got a chuckle out of Yùleyne.

Well aware of his situation, Yùleyne sat down next to Jærvun and patted his chest.

'That's rough, buddy'. She sniggered.

Jærvun could only laugh alongside her. Knowing that it was in fact, "Rough''.

Sçhāyréa was becoming tired and lessening the intensity of her brightness.

The two returned to silence, the only noise between them was Jærvun's shallow breaths.

When Jærvun regained some his strength, he sat up.

'Since I'm training to become one, what things should I be looking forward to and what to look out for, when I become Çhirē?'

Yùleyne gave it some thought.

'Regarding things you should look forward to, they include having your own land with your own set of servants. Alongside that, you also have influence over whether or not certain things should happen or not.'

She then gave it some more thought.

'You also, if you wish, can train other aspiring Çhirē, or train the mœyūr of the Røwstíol. But I personally believe you would prefer training a Mäìyēt more than the Røwstíol.'

'Training multiple people is a big responsibility, and you can't possibly teach all of them the same things you've been taught'.

'What you say is true, training mœyūr is a group effort of multiple Çhirē, but all Çhirē have ways of teaching that are so different from each other, nothing ever stays in their head and they end up developing their own amalgamation of what they are taught. It's so inefficient.'

Jærvun was not aware of this fact, he thought that the Røwstíol had separate troops trained by the different Çhirē. He could only stare at the ground in confusion.

Yùleyne saw this.

'*Clap* Anyway, back on topic. This time, on things you should look out for.' she said, breaking Jærvun from his confusion and regaining his attention.

'The most important thing to look out for, are the people who try to take advantage of you.'


'Ah no!' She puts a finger on Jærvun's lips. 'hear me out. Everyone thinks that just because you are Çhirē, that they can just ask you to do everything.'

Jærvun nods.

'Don't let them do that, alright? People are going to take advantage of a gullible fool.'

'Mmhmm. I can see where you're coming from.' Jærvun replied.

'Then there is the more serious thing to worry about, assassins.'

Assassins. As soon as he heard that word, it evoked a scene that remains as a reminder to never get into the bad side of his sister.

A few months ago: The day before his initiation. The last day that he could ever call himself a regular, everyday, normal Væltrà.

The thought of making a disasterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon