Chapter 10: Unused strength is a silent weakness.

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(Hi. It's me, the author of the book.
I'm just here to tell you that I will be using Our real life terms to describe
Certain attacks used in this Chapter. Because I am sure
That you do not want the inconvenience of trying to understand Væltrà
Combat stances and attack names.)

(You're going to need this.)

It's happening again, Jærvun was being thrust into combat with no remorse.

His sister was just as fierce as last time, moving faster than he could ever hope to see.

He guarded high, unsure of what his first action should be.

It was the correct choice, as he blocked a high kick.

A million possible decisions were running through his head, but only one would be able to save him.

He hops, tucking his feet in and bending forward slightly. A correct choice. His sister missed her sweep.

Or so he thought.

Shiyīvnē intentionally shortened her sweep so she could position her left leg in such a way that she could use it to boost herself off of the ground.

A calculated action, her brother was in the air and had no window to move. Resulting in her knee making contact with his lower jaw, knocking him onto his back.

Though he recovered quickly, he was noticeably dazed.

An opening.

She dashes forward, aiming for his legs.

Her brother could barely react, but managed to sidestep her and attempts to claw at her.

Too slow, and too wide a swing as well.

She ducks under it and retaliates with a side whip kick.

Her brother now had his face in the dirt.

He turns his head just in time for her to place her outsole on his cheek, pinning him down.

'That would have been a fatal mistake in a real battle.' she tells him.

He tried his best to nod in response. But it was difficult with his face in the dirt.

'When you try to claw with a krüzhñier, make sure not to widen too much. It will slow your attack down.'

She removes her foot and returns to her starting position.

Jærvun sits up. He managed to block one attack from his sister. It was better than nothing, but it didn't exactly incite confidence in him.

Yùleyne helped him up.

'Wow! You are so outmatched.' She says to him while examining his face for any possible injury.

'Yeah, I know.' he responds, dusting himself off.

'But I can't give up yet.'

His best friend could only pat him on the back twice before letting him proceed.

The thought of making a disasterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant