Chapter 3: Jumping to conclusions

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Jærvun felt his stomach fold into itself. But he did not know why. He was only here to entertain Shiyīvnē. He didn't think to pry further,

'Where is she now?' he asked.

'In her room. She mentioned something about being good enough, She has been quiet ever since.' The man at the door said.

'And what else has happened?'

'That's all, really. She says her lover and her are on-' He stops to think of the right words.
'are not having a good time right now.'

Jærvun felt even more uneasy.

'But enough questions about her. Who are you? And what is your purpose for being here?' The man asks as he looks at Jærvun from head to toe.

'I, uhh-' Jærvun didn't know what to say. But he didn't need to say much

'If she trusted you enough to speak about her lover, how come you don't seem to recognize you're talking to him.' Shiyīvnē interrupted.

'Well, the best description she has given me is that he is the man of her dreams. I do not know much more. But she seems to be constantly in contact with him.' The man replied

'So I guess you don't believe that I'm her lover?'
Jærvun spoke up.

'I have no intention of placing myself into her personal matters. If you ARE her lover, then that is between her and you.'

This put some comfort into Jærvun. But not enough to calm him down.

'May we see her?'

The man opened the door and gestured them inside.

'She resides in the room upstairs. Do try to be civilized, I do not wish to clean up any mess that may remain if your meeting is.... Undesired.'

Jærvun just nodded and walked. Shiyīvnē on the other hand, stayed to question the man.

'Who are you?' She asked.

'Çhirē Yùleyne's groundskeeper and advisor. Though it seems I am useless as the latter, since she never listens to it.' the man replied.

Shiyīvnē was skeptical. Her own groundskeeper never knew this much about her private life, nor did they ever think to advise her on anything.

What's more, he had the air that he was lying, something Shiyīvnē had known all too well when she trained brand new members of the Røwstíol who had bitten off more than they could chew.

'I don't believe you are telling me the truth.'

The man suddenly became uneasy.

'And why not?' the man replied.

'You have the air of a liar. Something I'm well familiar with.'
Shiyīvnē steps closer to the man who recoils in return.

'A Çhirē would never be so foolish as to tell anyone other than their family anything personal.'

The man slowly backs up. Prompting Shiyīvnē to walk toward him.

'Especially since many Væltrà desire to become a high ranking member in the Røwstíol. Desired to the point of having attempted assassinations on them. Me included. '

The man has backed up enough to hit a corner wall. Right where Shiyīvnē wanted him to be.

'So tell me. Who are you? You can't be family, because family can't visit unless they are the same rank or higher. And the only person in Yùleyne's who has a high enough rank is her mother, and I take orders directly from her, so that's out of the question. And you can't be the groundskeeper because no Çhirē would ever give that type of information to anyone not important, even if they are as carefree as Yùleyne.'

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