Chapter 19: A path with no roads

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'Tell her your plan.' Shiyīvnē said, glancing to her brother

'Well...' Jærvun said as he picked up the bestiary and showed the entry.
'My idea was to get a black eyed Dayärmūn.'

Çhirē Trìßtell seemed unsure of the plan.
'Aren't those ones usually untrained?'

'This is not a sophisticated duel. They need not be trained. they just need to fight on our side.' Gärehn said.

'Alright... But that is only a single beast... If we can even call them that... We still need 4 other beasts... What are we to use?'

'Well... Do we need to? Can't we just use 5 black eyed Dayärmūns?' Jærvun questioned.

'Well it would certainly throw off the other competitors... But that is not good etiquette. And since this is our alternative for war, we must be mindful of etiquette, we are basically at peace for now...'

'If we are to act like this is a war, then our enemies will have no mind of etiquette either...' Shiyīvnē interjected.

'Yes they will. They are being forced to fight a war in our lands. The other kings and queens will be looking for a fair fight. Because they are at a disadvantage.'

After hearing that, Jærvun flipped through the pages.

There were a plethora of beasts that seemed like they would be good candidates...

After a few minutes of suggestions and debating. They agreed on getting Beasts that were all easily found in the northern areas of Phéngrica.

It was difficult to convince Shiyīvnē of getting weaker beasts, she was set on capturing extremely powerful or 'Top tier' level beasts.

The only compromise they could agree on is having a single cannon fodder animal... That way they can get a view of the Enemy beasts.

The list was as follows.

(From top priority to lowest priority)
1. Dõūrye.
5. Whatever cannon fodder the others want.

With their plans laid out. The only thing left was to pack up...

Jærvun and Yùleyne were pretty quick with their packing. Only the essentials and a few extra waterskins.
They also had a metallic flask. It was filled with medicine.

Trìßtell was already packed up.

Gärehn wanted to pack, but Yùleyne said he was in no good condition to be doing major movements yet. So she packed for him instead.

Which left Shiyīvnē.

She packed a few clothes, medicine, and she wore normal shoes for the journey ahead. Packing her Chēerka away in a secret compartment. She wouldn't have need for them in this journey.

They all met up at the city entrance.

There were many people walking past them in both directions.

Trìßtell pulled out a map and mentally estimated how long they would take.

'It will take us a few weeks to reach the village... Maybe only 1 if we don't stop to rest. Only sleep...'

She then looked at the group she was with...

Jærvun was discussing something with Yùleyne.

Shiyīvnē looked serious as usual.

Gärehn seemed to be having a hard time tightening his cuirass.

'Shiyīvnē may be able to withstand that... But there are two trainees with us, and Yùleyne is still a fresh one... That will prove difficult...'

She then looked back at her map and put down markers on it.

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