Chapter 12: The storm blade.

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On the other side of the spectrum, Gärehn already wasn't feeling well when he left Jærvun alone in the house of his elder sister. Not as bad as when they got there, but it was still bad enough that he couldn't move quickly And he was not feeling any better as he walked.

He sauntered along, minding his steps more than the concerned looks of every person around him.

He felt like he would fall over any moment now, so he quickened his pace as quick as he could.
He needed to find his other sister before his body gives out.

As he powers through the concerned gazes and slow moving crowd, he finally finds what he was looking for.

The culinary section of the Medical regimen.

Most would go to the hospital for this situation, but that was not a good option for Gärehn.

Trying to keep information whilst being the son of a Queen was very taxing, and going to the hospital would guarantee the information spreading and reaching the ears of his mother.
So he opted for the less famous alternative.

If he visited the part of the medical regimen where his other sister,
Lüxxanå was working, then they would only think his ill look was due to him being hungry, when he was in fact looking for medical attention without spreading information to their mother.

He kept himself mostly silent, staying at the canteen area while he looks for his sister.

He observed the cooks and medicinal staff that went in and out of the kitchens.

Though nobody noticed him much, the few that did remarked that he looked horrible, he told them that that was the reason he came here, because he hadn't eaten all day.

The chefs went in and out of the kitchens, in and out of the storage area to go back Into the kitchens only to go Back to the storage area so they can go straight back to the kitchen only to return to the storage area straight afterwards. And then back to the kitchen.

His train of thought was put to a halt when one of the chefs waved to him.

Upon inspection, the chef in question was not someone he was familiar with. But she was apparently familiar with him.

She then beckoned to him.

Not wanting to arouse suspicion, he listened and came closer.

'Trying to keep information away from your mother, sir Gärehn?'

The panic that flowed into Gärehn at that exact moment made him pull the chef aside to a secluded area.

'Who's orders are you following?'

'She said you would be scared.' the chef said with a laugh.

'Answer the question... Please.'

'I'm under no orders, i've heard from Lüx that you come here when you wa-'

Gärehn covers her mouth, looking around for anyone that may be eavesdropping.

'I will not deal with you... But I cannot allow you to bring this up with my mother either..... Can you not to tell her?' he says as he removes his hand from her mouth.

'Yeah... sure.' she says.

'How am I supposed to trust you?'

The chef scoffs.
'I'm from the medical regimen, buddy. The culinary section too, We aren't loyal to your mother, or any royalty for that matter, we aren't snitches.'

Ultimately, Gärehn had no choice but to take her for her word.

They silently return to the canteen, the chef returned to the kitchens and Gärehn returned to observing, sitting himself down at a table.

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