Chapter 26:A small break...

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Back at the treatment center... there wasn't as many spikes sprouted out... and the ground was back to normal... the children were rowdy as ever...

Apart from the spikes, the only thing that wasn't normal, was the amount of guards that surrounded the area...

Little Jéämah noticed that she and her friends weren't allowed to play with the spikes...

The guards weren't allowed to play too... they said that they were following orders from sheyy.

Jéämah could... play with rocks... maybe.... or talk to one of the doctors... probably not, there were more people today... they would probably get mad if she walked into an office while they were doing a check up...

Maybe... She could go to the culinary section and talk to shay... or mr.Jãc... if she could find them...

There's that one mean lady with blue fire magic who works in the freezers sometimes... maybe she could go there...

What could she do?

Maybe... she could walk around town?

But the guards would stop her...


She got it! She'll wait until the guards are gone, then she'll walk around! Maybe...

1 hour...

(It was actually 40 minutes... but she's a child...)

2 hours...

5 hours...

The guards didn't ever leave! They only stood there...


Wait! Past The trees near the wall! There were stairs there!

Jéämah slipped away from the treatment center... fully in sight of the guards... but she didn't know that...

The trees were big... and the stairs were tall like the wall...

Up a step. Up another. Climb the stairs... climby climbingly up the stairs...

Later she felt someone tugging her shirt...

'Need help, little miss?' Said the voice...

Looking back, Jéämah saw that the person who asked her was a doctor...

Doctor jimjim...

(His name is Jêamjumg... but it is pronounced as jimjim.)

'No... it's ok.' She told the doctor as she went climby climby again...

Up she went...

The spikes were way taller... but they were easier...

And the doctor watched her the whole time...

'You know, if you went here to the actual steps instead of climbing up the side, you would have an easier time...' he said from above her...

It was very entertaining to watch, but the doctor still kept his magic prepared... just in case...

Up a step. Up another step.. up one more step...

And then she slipped...

The doctor almost immediately used his powers...

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