Chapter 25: Show me your motivation.

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The next 2 hours consisted of following Bæ and making sure she didn't spend every inkling of money she had on the seemingly endless variety of food that was there...

Gärehn decided to bring her back to the inn, where he believes Jærvun and Yùleyne are asleep.

'So since we're free for the time being what's your reason for not being any high ranks?' Bæ asked.
'I fully expected you to have become at least a general at this point, it's already been a while since you started training, so why are you still a trainee?'

'I think I hit a roadblock at some point... I'm not sure what I'm missing... But I can't ever seem to impress Çhirē Shiyīvnē enough...'

Bæ furrowed her eyebrows.

'There's no way that's true... I don't believe for a second that you're not good enough to go through the trials. I think you would pass them with flying colors even if you're bleeding like you are currently...'

Gärehn looked and palmed near his injury...

Sure enough, he was bleeding...

'Ah great... I should've gotten this healed...'

The two went to one of the nearby hospitals and sat down in the waiting areas...

Back with Jærvun, he was sitting next to Yùleyne...

The injury in his arm was hurting a little bit... He was still unsure if this was reality... Especially after what he and Yùleyne just did...

He took his time to get dressed and went outside...

The hustle and bustle of dragon's belly reminded him of the same hustle and bustle back home...

He went to the closest hospital... And stayed in the waiting area...

He saw so many different people go in and out of the place... But there was one thing that they all had in common... They looked like seasoned fighters... Apart from the doctors and healers, There wasn't a single person that looked like an average citizen...

He kept imagining what fighting styles the people would have as they passed by him...

Then, a very beefy Deeáilrüs sat down next to him...

He looked skeptically at Jærvun...

'You don't look like much of a fighter, Væltrà...' he said, holding his arm...

'Uhhh... I guess you're kind of right...'

'Oh... You're a trainee, aren't you?'

Jærvun's eyes widened a little bit...

'What makes you say that?'

'Well... You don't have the same high and mighty attitude that the nobles have... And you're not talking in the eloquent way that the Çhirē do... You're talking like an everyday citizen... But you're wearing armor... And you don't look like a thief...'

Jærvun chuckled...

'Well... You got me... Hahaha...'

Jærvun held out his hand...

'My name's Jærvun, trainee Çhirē... I guess... Nice to meet you...'

'Bayn... Uhh... Professional fighter and Gēuïld...'

The two shook hands.

'So, what's your injury?' Bayn said.

'Well... I guess I have a gash on my arm and leg... Well, a slash would be more fitting... My buddy did cut me open a bit...' Jærvun said as he rubbed his arm...

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