Chapter 4

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Ricky's POV: As D was shopping i was at Ikea getting stuff for her room. Once I was done went to the house to decorate. (PICTURE ABOVE)

D's POV: I was with Andrea and Becca shopping and we went to Hollister, Areopostle, Abercrombie,American Eagle, and now we're getting food, at Taco Bell.

D: Thank you guys so much for taking me shopping. It means alot.

B: No problem. It is actaully vital to me you get the clothes you need...its one of my pet peeves i have...ugly clothes i mean.

D: ...

B: Not that what your wearing is ugly. But if the stuff you bought was,  I'd have to fix it.

A: Its true. Its her obsession, aha.

D: We hopefully all of this is good, I love it.

B: Its adorable!

A: Yeah! But unfortunatly I just got a text from Connor saying Ricky wants you home. But first we have to biy you a phone.

D: Oh really?

B: Totally. Its no problem.

After a few minutes I was now the owner of a Iphone 5. So bam bitch. I also got a cute case that was red and had the 5SOS logo on it.

At home...

I got to the house and Andrea and Becca left.

D: Ricky I'm home!

Wow. Home. I never thought i'd say that again...

R: Come up here!

D: Uh...okay?

I went upstairs with my bags and opened a door with a black wooden letter D on it. I looked at a beautiful Purple and black was perfect. I started crying...

R: Hey, hey. If you don't like it we ca-

D: No its, its perfect.

R: Then why are you crying?

D: I've never had this...even when mg parents were here we were making less than a single parent income....I never had ”the perfect room” like this. Its amazing...You guys have done so much for me and I don't know how to thank you.

R: Don't. You don't have to. I wanna do this for you...

D: Why? I'm just a kid who lives on the streets.

R: No, your a girl who lives here, your a girl that for some reason already feels like family.

D: Really?

R: Yeah.

D: Well thank you, for everything.

R: No problem.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and be sure to come back for more! Byeee!

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