Chapter 25

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D's POV: I woke up still feeling awful about what I had said to Ricky. I walked downstairs and saw Ricky watching Scandal on Netflix. "Ricky?" I said trying to get his attention, "Yes?" He said kind of sassily. "I wanna talk to you, about last night?" I said. He walked over and sat on a bar stool as I made my cereal. "So, JC told me. That you were planning on becoming my father.." I said. "Yeah well. You don't want me as a father so, that leaves that day wide open!" He said. "Ricky. I said you weren't my father. Not that I didn't want you to be. I'd love if you were to be my father." I said. I grabbed the milk and saw that Ricky was thinking really hard about something. Finally after I got a spoon and sat down across from Ricky he spoke, " So, you want me to adopt you?" He asked. "Yes! Of course Ricky! But, I'm not sure if the court will allow it..." I said. "What? Why?" He asked. "Well, adopting is a long process. Its not a one day thing. It could take years. Back ground checks, house searches, interviews...and to be honest? six, twenty something guys adopting a teenager. All living together? I know you guys would never do this but it just seems..." "Rape?" Ricky inturrupted. "Yeah..." I continued, "But! You will always be my dad at heart! And we can always try! I'm just saying its not definite.." I said. "Oh.." Ricky said dissapointed. "I never realised how bad it would look to the eyes of a judge.." He said. "I'm really sorry Ricky." I said.

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