Chapter 30

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"I- I don't know..." Connor continued, "I think we need a break?" Connor said unsure. "I guess..." I replied. "Umm... I gotta get ready for auditions. So..." I said. "right" Connor responded.

Connor left the room and I freshened up my makeup, and hair. I grabbed my purse and walked outside. I got on my bike and went to the school.


I was up first so I went on stage. "Ms. Diamond Ozlee?" Ms. Milonee asked. "D Dillion." I said. "Okay, D. We will be Paring guys and girls randomly. So, "Mr Franta!" Ms. Milonee called. Connor walked on the stage. He seemed as shocked as I was. "Okay so we're gonna start on page 27." Ms Milonee instructed. I flipped to that page and looked at Connor. "But Rebecca, if you never ask, how will you know?" Connor asked. "Because, I see the way he looks at her. Its not the way he looks at me." I responded. "Maybe he is waiting for a sign." Connor said. "He's not looking for a sign Justin!" I said frustrated. I turned around and walked away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. Then he kissed me. I blushed. He forgave me! Theres no breakup! "And scene!" Ms. milonee said. Connor moved back a few feet. "That was wonderful! Call backs are the 3!" Ms. Milonee said as I walked off stage. Wait? Callbacks?! Me and Con might be and option?! Shit...

It All Started On A Street Corner.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora