Chapter 16

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Ricky's POV: There is a reason I sent Diamond to bed early. I feel like a father to Diamond. But JC said i was her "Best friend" so I gotta start being more adult like. She needs a curfew, and a bed time, and she needs to go to college. All that stuff.

The next day...

I was awoken by Rick the Dick shouting from down stairs for me wake up. I ran downstairs "What the fuck Ricky?" I said. "Excuse me? I just needed to talk to you, you can lose the tude." He said. "Okay, what is going on with you? Its 8:00 AM. Is everything okay?" I said. "Yes, and no." As your gardian I want to set some rules for you. You need to go ti College. Have a curfew. Also you need to have lights out my 12." Ricky said. "Wh- I'm 19. I don't need a bedtime or a curfew, and why College?" I asked. "Because that's the rules. "I'm a roomate not a daughter Ricky." I said. "Well as your roomate and the one who signed the lease. So..." Ricky was gonna keep talking but I cut him off "Okay, I didn't know that moving in ment having a father. My father died Ricky! You get that? He died. And I've been here a month. So please just give me time..." I said. I ran up the stairs and walked into Connor's room. "Do you know that Ricky is being all dad and making me go to College? Like what the heck?! If I wanna go to college I will. But what gives him the right to force me?" I said. "Maybe he just wants you to have a good life." Connor replied. I sighed, "I just don't understand..." A tear shed from my eye. "Hey, why don't me and you go to Starbucks?" He asked. "And get a smoothie?" I asked as if I was 5. "Hah. Yeah sure." Connor said. We headed to Starbucks...once we got there I got a strawberry smoothie with no cream and a blueberry muffin, and Connor got a Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino and a bagel. We sat down and talked for a while until Connor said something..."D? I know you wanna get to know me so...I was wondering, I have a special date planned tomorrow." He said. "Really? Where?" I said. "That's a secret. " he said. "Okay well when do we leave?" I said. "You'll know tomorrow." he replied. "This is creepy, but, okay!" I said. We threw away our trash and then we walked home

At home...

I ran upstairs and got my laptop. I searched "Good Colleges near Los Angeles California." Then I saw a school called " LASPA College." I clicked the link and saw LASPA standed for Los Angeles School Of Preforming Arts. I ran downstairs with my laptop and saw Ricky. "Hey Rickle Pickle?" I said. "Yeah?" He said. "Can I go to LASPA college?" I said hoping he'd heard of it.."The performing arts school? Sure! You can apply right now!" He said. I applied for the college and then waited....and waited....and waited.

Hey guys! What's up? So I need some characters. I need, someone to be a mystery characters Boyfriend. I don't care if your a girl. Also need a random guy who is gonna be friends with Diamond! So thanks and private message me if you wanna be character! K byeeeeeee

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