Chapter 19

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D's POV: I got in Connor's room, and he again asked, "What's wrong?" I sighed and said "I have to learn 9th-12th grade in at least a month." I said. "Wh- why?" Connor asked. "Cause I have the education of a 15 year old. That's when I ran away from the foster home I was in." I replied. He looked down then looked at me... "Why'd you run?" He asked. "...Because the dad..." My eyes glazed over again. "The dad abused me, so I ran." I broke down and cryed in connor's shoulder. He pulled me into his lap and whispered sweet nothings into my ear "It doesn't bother me that you were abused. Well, it bothers me. But not cause of you. Cause of him." I looked down and then back at Connor "Maybe I just shouldn't go to LASPA..." I said. "Wh- D. I believe in you. So you should believe in you." He said. I paused then looked at him "You're right. I'm gonna do it."

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