Chapter 12: Black Lillies

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"This will be your permanent quarters. You may rest, bathe, eat, learn and sleep here, understood. Also, you will be sharing this with another... "classmate" of yours.

Y/n: Classmate?

"She will be training with you at the same time, the two you have the same purpose: to serve our Lady till the end of your life. Got it?"

Y/n: Yes...

"Good. Now sleep, we will call for your presence early tomorrow to start your training."


Y/n simply looked around, taking in the new location he was in with squinted eyes. The room was small, but big enough for two people, there was two standard beds, chairs and tables that took up most of the space, two wooden closets that he didn't even need with his lack of clothing.

There was a door at the corner of the room, Y/n made the assumption that it was the bathroom.

"Are you my roommate?"

He didn't jump at the voice behind him, instead Y/n turned back to see a young Lupo bou in his pre-teens, the same age as him. He had short grey hair and eyes that were vicious.

Y/n: Yes...

"Take a bath then, your clothes are already on the counter. I'll bring your food while you change, but just this once, then you have to get it yourself."

Y/n: Yes...

The Lupo nodded, before exiting the room. Y/n stared at the door that lead outside where the boy just went out to.

He didn't know where to look at, there was nothing to look at when the windows were boarded up metal. It was the same dark feeling when he was stuck in that dungeon, just without the darkness.

This place, it felt just like another prison to him.


Western District, Unnamed Desert

The uncomfortable squelches of a blades slicing through bodies, followed by the dying breaths of those that has fallen. Unorganized as Reunion was, they were still powerful, with four, possibly five Reunion leaders leading the charge.

Three heads were decapitated as Thanatos powered through enemy lines, the side of his face that had a missing eye throbbed painfully. Izanami was the first to rush in, her spear slashing through countless bodies, if they didn't perish from their injuries, then the poison that would seep through will surely do the trick.

Now he was worried as her superior and as a friend. Izanami was far more... impulsive compared to the other Reapers, sure they all had their bouts of insanity but she was fighting a winning battle, albeit with a few injuries in the aftermath

Izanami: Where is he!?!? Sathariel!!! Y/N!!!




Countless voices spoke in her mind, guiding her of the dangers around her. But she ignored it, the only thing that mattered was in front of her.

The manticore impaled her spear into another enemy, the end of the blade ripping out from the other side. She growled like an animal when she heard footsteps from behind. Really? Do they really think she was that ignorant?

Izanami: My little brother...

There was a short hiss in the middle of her spear, she roughly pulled the two halves apart as she looked back and shoved the other half into their neck. As she pulled out the first half of her spear she went back to the other half and began repeatedly stabbing the already turned corpse.

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