Chapter 22: Sparks Fly, Smoke Follows

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The rumble of the city could be felt even from this high up the tower.

Alex placed his hand over his chest, it wouldn't stop beating. He wasn't afraid of heights, nor was he afraid of what was gonna happen if he didn't hurry intercepting the city's transmission. No, he was afraid of what lay at the top of this tower, the centerpiece of Chernobog, a woman even Patriot would struggle beating.

As he walked down this cold and foreboding hallway, a hooded man swept pass him, like newspaper in the wind. Alex has seen that man before, though he wasn't an official member of Reunion, he had seen him speak with Talulah many times before, whatever it was about he didn't know.

A pair of giant doors separated him and the current leader of Reunion, Alex took a deep breath and pushed those heavy doors open.

"You've answered my summons. Good."

To some bystander, she was a beauty, a woman with fiery eyes that the air would heat up just by looking at her. But to those in Reunion and to those who know of her, she was currently one of the most dangerous ancients the earth of Terra.

Alex: What kind of person would I be if I didn't?

Talulah: A useless one.

The Draco turned to face him, those eyes he heard so much about on full display. The tip of her longsword scratched the ground as she made her way to him.

Talulah: I've heard from a little bird that some of us has been planning a coup, you wouldn't have anything to do with that, do you?

Alex: I...

Talulah: Control yourself. Just so I know I can trust your words, I've brought insurance. Thanatos, please come in, and bring along my... gift for your dear brother here.

A middle aged man with the ears belongings to an Ursus had his face written with fear as he stepped into the room, a giant scythe trained against the lump in his neck that kept trembling along with his body.

Alex: Dad... Dad!!!

Alex tried to run up to him, much to Talulah's amusement. She held up her index finger, to which Thanatos, who was silent the whole time, pushed the sharp end of his weapon hard at his neck, alerting Alex and making him stumble back.

Talulah: I recommend that you don't take another step.

Alex: What are you-!?

Talulah: No need to get so furious. I'll let him live if you answer truthfully. If you even show an ounce of deceit, I'll have his life cut short in an instant, like stepping on an ant in the sidewalk.

Alex: Y/n! What are you doing! That's your dad you're holding hostage!!

"Wait... he's her kid??"

Thanatos: Fat-Father...? I d-don't have a father...

Talulah: As much as I would like amto witness such a happy reunion between family members, I have more pressing manners to discuss. Alex, try to say anything unrelated my question again then I shall order Thanatos to kill your father immediately.

Alex: This... This can't be happening!
Y/n, don't listen to a word she says!

The Draco's eyes flashed purple, so did Thanatos' working eye. He released the scythe from his neck, calming Sergei's nerves before it spiked as he felt pain surging forth and all sounds going fading away from one side of his head.

Talulah: Do you still think I'm not serious, Skullshatterer?

Sergei could only make wails of pain as he started at his cleanly cut off ear on the floor, clutching the bleeding side of his head. Alexwa wanted to kill Talulah right then and there, but he knew he would be burnt to a crisp before he could even reach her.

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