Chapter 20: Babysitting

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*Bang* *ka-chunk* *Bang*

A shot rang in the ears of everyone in the vicinity, the bullet hit a tree in the distance, causing it to shake in place. Branches would soon fall out, one of them disturbed in their fall by a bullet that snapped it in two.

Y/n: Damnit, missed again.

A single leaf landed on the ground,
Y/n loaded Sophia's rifle with bullets again for another round. He was starting to get a grasp on how to operate the gun, it was much different than using Sathariel's pistols, as Sophia's rifle required him to pour much more of his Arts to actually shoot it.

In exchange for more energy consumption, he was getting shots four times as powerful as pistols.

"You shouldn't expend all your energy into this all day, it's not healthy at all."

Y/n: I don't think I have much of a choice when it comes to activities, seeing as I'm basically your prisoner.

Y/n got up, meeting the relaxed gaze of the Sarkaz with pink hair. She was the first to greet him when he woke up, she had told him that they had brought him to Babel, an unfinished landship, to treat his injuries and also to observe him, which was basically a sugar-coated version of "We kept you alive so you are our prisoner now."

Oh yes, I completely forgot. The woman called herself Theresa, and apparently she was royalty, the Sarkaz King of Kazdel. Y/n had a good laugh that day, before fully believing her when everyone on the landship was bowing and calling her highness everywhere she went.

Theresa: Truly sorry about that. Our landship is still in an unfinished state, so we can't afford to waste our precious resources on leisure.

Y/n: O-Oh, umm...

Y/n could only sheepishly scratch the back of his head, surprised at the Sarkaz King herself bowing and apologizing in front of him. He felt bad for being rude and ungrateful to their hospitality, especially hers.

Y/n: Hey, y-you can do stop bowing now. I'm thankful for what you've given me, so I'm sorry for being-

He could see why now, why she was being so apologetic, he was offended at himself for being so gullible to fall for such a cheap tactic at getting his sympathy.

Y/n: Oi, get up. Don't patronize me or I will shoot you down right here.

Theresa: Oh? You think you could pull the trigger first before I cut your head off?

At this moment, everything went dark as multiple pairs of eyes were staring at him, staring into his soul and mind. He felt overwhelmed, frozen in place by the eyes as it peered at every nook and crevice he had.

Was it her Arts? He didn't know, everything in the world had gone dark except for the eyes, those glowing, beady, black pupils and irises were all trained on him. The eyes reminded him of doll eyes from how unsettling they were.

"She's right in front of you."

Y/n: Huh?

His arms reached out, the feeling was like someone pulling it out of ice. His hand felt nothing but another hand that didn't belong to him grabbed his arm and pulled him forward, his surroundings reverting back to normal as if nothing ever happened.

Theresa's face was right in front of his, she had a smug look that irritated him a bit. The Sarkaz scanned the Sankta from head to toe, before pulling him much closer, he felt the point of a sword digging into his side.

Theresa: She really is in you if you could sense where my position is in such a state. It is interesting how you are still able to maintain your stream of consciousness from becoming one with hers. If I were you, I would refrain myself to talking to her, she's like a walking bad luck charm.

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