Chapter Four

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"You look horrible my god" Yuna teased Ryujin who was sitting in the kitchen.

Her mother was nowhere to be found as usual. She had a habit of disappearing over the weekend and coming back acting like nothing happened.

"This is why parties will never be my thing." Yuna took a sip from the glass of water she was holding with a sport bag hanging around the shoulder.

Last night was something Ryujin wanted to erase from her memory. It's not that she had high expectations of someone who dumps people over texts but she had hopes that the other changed for the better.

"Somi was here last night"

Ryujin finally made eye contact with the younger Shin on hearing the news.

"She said she came to check up on you and i told her you were not home" Ryujin hummed and slowly nodded her head.

"You Miss have a lot of explanation to do!" Chaeryeong  came rushing in unannounced wiggling her finger at Ryujin before settling down at the bar chair opposite her friend.

"When did you get here?" Ryujin asked the unexpected visitor
"I am hearing rumours that you hooked up with Yeji were. YOUR EX? I thought you knew better" Chaeryeong ignored Ryujin's question

"Who told you those lies? And I can't stand that liar so i rather not talk about her right now"

"What time is practice Yuna? I'll drop you off by myself. Grumpy cat needs to reflect on her horrible actions"
"You sound like a mom" Ryujin rolled her eyes at her best friend.
"And I know Somi had a hand in these rumours. I don't have proof but she probably told the school's gossip column those lies as revenge" Ryujin added.

It was very obvious that Ryujin and Somi were not in good terms and they always had this love-hate relationship going on. 

The previous year when Somi caught her hooking with some random girl at the school's gym, silly rumours of Ryujin doing drugs and going bald started and because of that she had to prove numerous times that she was not intoxicated and not wearing a wig.

Somi moved dangerous in silence and nobody knew what her next move. 

This time it feels like Somi knew something.
Somi barely even knew Yeji and vice versa so what made her start this nonsense rumours. Did she see them talk at the party?

Chaeryeong and Yuna left not so long ago. Spending time alone in the house meant that she could not escape her thoughts and demons unless she was doing school work. She then took her car keys heading to someone's house who might help.


"I was so embarrassing last night. I was totally wasted..." Lia held the bridge of her nose while lying on her stomach on the bed.
"So what happened between you and your cat eyed lover? It looked intense" Lia interrogated the other.

"I confronted her about her real intentions and she couldn't look at me on the eyes proving my theory that she's out to destroy me again" Ryujin responded.

"I would call you crazy but i think you may have a point..."
"...So what's your plan on getting her back?..." Ryujin threw a pillow which landed straight on her face.

"...come on i can see how you still look at her" Lia sat up to face her friend.
"It's not happening. And also she has moved on..." Ryujin buried her face on the pillow
"...She's nothing but trouble. I'm done with relationships and all."

"You sound like you went through  hundreds of divorces. You are miserable. Cheer up! I got four tickets to tomorrow's game. Yuna and Chaer can tag along, FC Seoul  have an important game with the remaining games they need to win all of them to secure the title. Wow i can't believe myself, I spoke more about soccer in the past seconds than i ever did throughout my whole life. The Ryujin fever is rubbing on me" Lia joked

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