Chapter Twenty Six

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Today was a good day for Ryujin and she could feel it in her blood that a lot of good things are bound to happen today

She smiled as she tied her laces in the changing room

"You are here?" A surprised Heejin walked on her while she was fixing her soccer boots

"Where am i supposed to be?" Ryujin asked a rhetorical question

"Oh" Heejin had an unreadable expression

"Since you are back i might as well give you this" Heejin who has not changed yet took out something from her bag and revealing what seemed like the captain's armband

"It belongs to you"

She was about to put it on Ryujin's arm but Ryujin stopped her from doing so,
"I don't need to captain to play for the team and you deserve it more than me since i have been ditching practice"
"You came here knowing that you will be captain today, it will be unfair for me to take it away from you"

The rest of the team entered the change room with some visibly shocked and others happy that their captain was back

"-Welcome back captain!"
"-There's definitely hope"
"-We won't get our ass kicked today"
"-She's came back hotter"

A man walked in and absolutely ruining the moment,
"Ryujin you're on the bench today!" The coach announced as his eyes were still glued on what looked like a game plan, "And the rest you what's expected from you...hurry up and get changed"
He left with his eyes still on the clipboard on hand

Ryujin noticed the change in atmosphere

"Stop being so dramatic!"
"The team can win without me" Ryujin tried to ease the team but to no success

"But you're the team Ryujin! YG fear you more than they fear us"
Jinsoul spoke up

"Just trust your new captain okay"
"I'm going to where i belong, the bench"
Ryujin announced her departure


Ryujin angrily kicked the innocent water water bottle next to the bench, "You did this to yourself Ryujin!"

"Shouldn't be the captain of a team be with her team?"

"The captain is on the bench today, isn't that great news?" Ryujin sarcastically replied to Lia's question

"You guys are really going to get your butts kicked" Lia stated
"Maybe if you stopped acting childish you wouldn't be in this situation right now" Lia then just left

The noise behind Ryujin became progressively loud as people starting to flock in

Other benched teammates went to join her on the bench

"They are finally paying attention to me"
"Is this how it feels to be captain?"
Heejin who was embracing the moment whispered behind Ryujin

"You better enjoy it while it lasts you fool"
Ryujin joked
"Now get away from me" Ryujin playfully sent her away

Ryujin bit her lip as she watched Heejin leading the team

The YG team then entered the field trying to seem intimidating as possible

"Bunch of fools" Ryujin mummered to herself

The captains went to do their routine of deciding who starts on the ball

Ryujin curiously looked towards the bleachers that were behind her and as expected,  Mr. Hwang was there

The only surprising thing was that he was sitting with the rest of the spectators and not receiving special treatment

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