Chapter Twenty Two

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Chilled pop music was barely audible in the background due to how busy the café was.
Random conversations, sounds of plates crashing into each other, the shouting of orders. It was surprisingly a relaxing place to be despite the chaos.

Thinking about the four letter word in her mind made her cringe how much more saying it?

A criminal could come and point a gun to her head and ask her to say the four letter word to save her own life and that will be the end of her life

She couldn't even say it even if her life depended on it

Two people don't need to be in love with each other to be happy with one another


Was this too much over thinking?

"I never thought I will be getting ice cream at this time of the hour" Yeji indulged on her ice cream

Ryujin hummed at that statement

"I don't understand why you like strawberry ice cream it's really concerning" Yeji mocked her

"You like bubblegum flavoured ice cream but i'm the concerning one here?"
"And also bubblegum ice cream is the gayest ice cream i have ever seen"
Ryujin took a bite off her ice cream

Yeji furrowed with her brows, "How can ice cream be gay?"

Ryujin displayed her signature smirk which was enough for her whiskers to show,
"I don't have the explanation for it but it looks gay"

"How do you manage to see gayness in everything?" Yeji interrogated the other

"It's the gay radar at work"

A waitress came to their table, "Do you need anything else is everything good?"

"Are you on the menu? because i want you" Ryujin winked as she pointed at the waitress who blushed at the action

"What the hell?" Yeji directed at Ryujin who continues to ignore her

"Don't worry babe I will handle you with tender, love and care"

Yeji cleared her throat causing the waitress to look at her, "We don't need anything thank you for your concern"
The waitress left their table

Yeji took this as an opportunity to kick Ryujin from under the table

Ryujin rubbed her leg

"Mmmh" Yeji placed a finger on her check
"What could possibly annoy me beside the fact that you were flirting with that waitress in front of me!"

"I was being nice" Ryujin stated in a bored manner

"You were borderline flirting with her!"
"Are you seeing her?"


"Is she your ex?"



"It feels like i'm inside the interrogation room"
Ryujin looked around to see if there was anyone watching, "Can you stop being jealous?"

"What's there to be jealous of?"
"I know you have a reputation for being a player but don't play with me Shin Ryujin" She directed her ice cream spoon at Ryujin

"Woah relax we are on full name basis now?"
"I'm sorry okay?"
Ryujin held back her smile at jealous Yeji

Yeji smiled in satisfaction, "I'm glad it won't happen again"

"Can't believe this is what i have signed for" Ryujin playfully complained
"Relationships are scary"

Yeji lifted her head in pride,
"Once you get in a relationship anything is possible"

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