Chapter Seven

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Ryujin was now in detention facing the consequences of her actions. She got herself in an argument with the male's soccer team misogynistic captain.
An argument that involved words that were not so family friendly. It was a captain on captain conflict.

Her reputation of always getting in trouble did not help in defending her at all. She was fighting a losing battle.

She did not want to be there and the teacher mirroed her mood. It was clear as day that the teacher did not want to be there either. It made no sense to keep everyone inside.

A familiar tall figure walked towards the teacher and looked up to see Ryujin and decided to sit next to her.

"Surprised to see you here" Ryujin displayed her infamous whisker dimples

"Left my assignment at home and telling the teacher to get a life was not a good idea i do not recommend"
Yeji took out a notepad from her backpack preparing to write five thousand words explaining that she won't repeat her offence

Ryujin laughed at the scene beside her

"It's definitely not a good day" Yeji defended herself

"It's just too good to be true because you don't seem to be the type to get into the bad side of the law" Ryujin continued with her writing

Yeji cleared her throat nervously and faced the front avoiding contact with the other
"You don't know me then"

"Teach me then where should I start?" She stopped writing and leaned her face on her hand challenging the other

"Then go out with me..." Yeji blurted out
"...As friends"

And there was something behind those feline eyes that Ryujin was struggling to read the meaning behind it, again.

It was her turn to clear her throat

"I was expecting a make out session but since we going out I still have a chance" Ryujin playfully smirked

A pen flew at her direction completely missing her

"Stop flirting with me and start with your ten thousand words" Yeji clenched her jaw to prevent herself from smiling but her red cheeks betrayed her as they did not go unnoticed to the other

"Seeing you happy makes me happy cause I get to see your whiskers"

"And I was the one accused of flirting?" Ryujin dramatically placed her hand on her chest

"Shut up!" Ryujin laughed at her reaction which she found cute

For a moment they looked at each other and it kinda felt right. Ryujin was starting to feel goosebumps or was it the cold coming from open window close by.

Their moment was interrupted by the teacher who threatened to keep them longer causing the two to return their focus on the task on hand. 


They were chilling at Lia's huge garden. Chaeryeong and Lia were arguing about a Netflix show that Ryujin could not care about as she barely had time to catch up on all the shows.

They took advantage of the sunny weather as they were seating on the garden outside

"She dies at the end i saw the spoilers" Lia casually spoiled the show causing them to bicker again

"Y'all are being ridiculous right now" Ryujin had enough of the two
"I'm pregnant!" She lied and successfully got their attention
"You wouldn't stop so I had to come up with something"
They both rolled their eyes

"Thank god I thought you and Mark got it on"

Ryujin scrunched her nose in disgust at Lia's thoughts

"You know I'm gay as hell that's not going to happen"

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