Chapter Twenty

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(tw: mention of drugs and addiction)

"Hi babe?" Yeji looked around her house making sure no one was around
"What are you doing here?"

"You look like you have seen a ghost can't i visit my girlfriend now?" Ryujin went for a kiss but Yeji avoided it

"My father is home what happens when he sees you here?" Yeji whispered

Ryujin hugged herself, "Are you going to let me stand outside?"

Yeji signalled for her to come in and closed the door after Ryujin stepped inside, "Sorry"

"I came here to take you on a date since its the last day before school" Ryujin sat on the couch

Yeji sighed, "You're are so stubborn"

"If your dad does not want me here he can kick me out but i can't promise you that it will be that easy to get rid of me"

"Urgh Shut up" Yeji went to sit next to Ryujin
"I have something important to tell you"

Footsteps made its way down the stairs
"Shin Ryujin! It's a surprise to see you here"

"Good evening Mrs Hwang"

"You look good i must say"
"I never got the chance to ask what are your plans after school?" Mrs Hwang asked her

"I will be studying" Ryujin told her

"That's boring"

"What do you mean?"

"Yeji will be working at one of our companies here" Mrs Hwang told Ryujin

Ryujin shifted her gaze from Mrs Hwang to Yeji who was looking at the ground

She returned her gaze to Mrs Hwang who was chuckling to herself 
"It will be nice to have you there too"

"Thanks for the offer but I want to focus on my studies and as much it sounds boring to you too i'm pretty sure i will enjoy every minute of it"
Ryujin forced a smile on her face trying to hide her annoyance

"Don't do something i wouldn't do"
"And stay away from drugs you know that better than myself"
Mrs Hwang got up leaving the two the sound of footsteps disappeared

"Why would she say that?"
"Does she think addiction is a joke to her?"

"Please calm down i'll talk to her" Yeji held Ryujin's arms

"No she thinks i'm this helpless poor person who will never succeed without a rich person's help" Ryujin's volume kept going up

"You're angry and you'll end up doing and say something you'll regret please calm down"
Yeji tried to calm her but her attempts were all fail

"You also did not tell me that you are going to work for your father"

"It's my father's business it is no big deal"

"Your father never does his businesses clean and everyone knows that"

"I'm not going to have this discussion please leave"

Ryujin stared at Yeji in disbelief on how she was actually kicking her out


Ryujin decided to go to Lia's instead of going home

"Chaeryeong and I were doing a movie marathon"
"Want to join?"

They went upstairs to Lia's room

Lia turned on the lights

"What is this loser doing here?"
Chaeryeong asked upon seeing Ryujin walk into the room

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