Chapter Twenty One

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Ryujin was leaning against Yeji's car waiting for her

Ryujin was nervous because she does not know what to expect from the talk

It could be good and it could be bad

Yeji looked surprised to find her there,
"How long have you been standing here?"

"Long enough to see your beautiful face" Ryujin flawlessly pushed herself off the car facing Yeji and smirked at Yeji

"Why did you call me here?" Yeji asked

Ryujin had her confused face on,
"I'm the one who called us here?"

"You wanted to talk"

Ryujin sighed in defeat, "Okay whatever i wanted to say i'm sorry for saying all those things about your father"

Yeji looked up and sighed then looked at Ryujin
"You're a dumbass" Yeji told her

"Yeah I deserve that" Ryujin leaned to the car again with her hands on her pocket

"You don't need to remind me that my father is a criminal i know and i don't care" Yeji said it in the most casual manner

Ryujin nodded her head

Yeji then busted in laughter

Ryujin saw Yeji was laughing at her
"Why are you laughing you are supposed to be angry at me?"

Yeji continued to laugh at her

Yeji then then cupped her face,
"You look cute when you are stressed out" Yeji brushed her hand against Ryujin's arm and took her hand
"I forgive you and i also apologize for my mother's actions towards you"

Ryujin sulked, "You forgetting the part where you kicked me out?"

"I'm sorry for kicking you out i promise it won't happen again"
"Pinky promise?" Yeji held her smallest finger out

Ryujin looked at her as if she was insane, "I don't believe in that"

"Mmmh Then how are we going to know what happened the other day won't happen again?" Yeji was still frozen in place with her pinky finger out

It would be an interesting scene for a stranger that passes by

Ryujin tilted her head,
"When trust is there it's not really necessary" Yeji looked at Yeji but sees that she is not willing to give up
"But i'll still do it before i pass out from cringing" She linked their pinky fingers

Yeji had the widest grin on her face

Ryujin watched as Yeji looked like she was having a time of her life in front of her face

It was an amusing scene to witness and Ryujin couldn't resist smiling

Yeji ran her hand on Ryujin's hair and looking into her eyes, "You owe me an ice cream date"

"Right now?"

"Yeah" Yeji breathed out

"What if i told you that i ditched soccer practice just to see you" Ryujin nervously grinned at her

Yeji's mouth was open wide, "You skipped practice?" She broke contact and slapped her arm
"Are you crazy?"

"You got kicked out of class and now you're skipping practice what is wrong with you?" Yeji counted using her fingers as she scolded her

"Damn!" Ryujin rubbed her arm that fell victim to Yeji's slap
"You're worse than Yuna"

"And I'll do it again" She tried to be intimidating
Yeji looked at her wristwatch
"But luckily i have an appointment"

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