Chapter Nineteen

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The local supermarket was busy but the two siblings managed to make to the end alive

"Anything else?" Yuna bit her lip in thought

Ryujin scanned through the shopping cart making sure they bought everything

"We good" She confirmed seconds later

They both went to check out and the sun was kissing their skin while packing the bags into the back of the car

"These were not even this heavy at the store" Yuna placed the heavy bag at the back of the vehicle

"There's barely any service here" Ryujin glanced at her phone after getting to the driving seat

"You expecting someone?"

"I was supposed to meet up with Lia but she messaged me telling me she had last minute family plans" Ryujin answered her sister while multitasking as she was texting on her phone

She then placed her phone aside readying herself to drive
"Let's grab a take away on our way home"
She inserted the car keys immediately starting the car

"I thought you were going to your girlfriend?" Yuna asked her

Ryujin ignored the butterflies on her stomach at the mention of her girlfriend.
Having a girlfriend was still new to her despite being not her first time
"I will be picking her up at her work"

"Mhmm" Yuna looked rather amused at Ryujin

"What?" She was curious at her sister's sudden reaction
"You two are cute together and look at you blushing just at the thought of her you're so embarrassing" The younger Shin teased her

"Shut up"

Ryujin then drove off reminding herself to go through a drive in restaurant

Ryujin chose to wait at Chaeryeong's as Yuna was at her friends

Ryujin almost regretting the decision as she protected her precious and delicate ears from the red head in front of her

"Momo is back in town?"

Ryujin rolled her eyes "I really thought someone died"

"Well i think i just did" Chaeryeong spoke with dreamy eyes

Ryujin chuckled at her friend's drama
"You have no shame that's your teacher"

"That's your dance teacher and not mine and there's nothing shameful in admiring beauty and talent" She pointed a finger at her friend while defended her actions

Chaeryeong was not someone that gushes over a person but Momo seemed to be the exception to her.

She worshipped every single thing Momo did whether it be the way she executed a dance move, her charms, walks, her smile, selfies and to simply Momo being Momo

Chaeryeong has always said it was an innocent admiration but Ryujin was not even sure sometimes

"Her latest caption reads, 'all sunshine and fruity' " Chaeryeong continued

"Her coming out statement" Ryujin stated in a relaxing manner

"You have a habit of reading gayness in everything but this time i have to agree with you" Chaeryeong stated

"She's still a teacher to you" Ryujin whispered to her friend

"Don't rain on my gay parade" The red head waved a hand in the air

Chaeryeong has always viewed herself as unlabeled because she clearly did not any important of labeling yourself. No matter who anyone was attracted to it was still love.

Her close friends are the only ones that know about this

"Mark told me he will be joining the dance team this year at least you won't be lonely" Chaeryeong changed the topic

"I thought of not joining this year"

Chaeryeong frowned upon hearing that, "Why? I thought you loved it"

"And i still do"

"Then what's the problem?"

"You know exactly what's the problem"

Chaeryeong did not ask anymore as it clear as day that...

It was because of her


(a/n: comments always cheer me up and encourage me so please feel free to comment because i love reading them)

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