O N E 'O' F O U R

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November 17th, 2021
31+3 weeks pregnant

Lilah sighed as she got upstairs, moving some hair out of her face as she walked into Mason's gaming room and sat down on his desk chair with her phone in her hand. She was bored of sitting around feeling sorry for herself so she decided to get up and have a move around to try and relieve some of the aching in her body.

She'd already done a fairly taxing workout that had left her completely and utterly drained, so she showered and had a nap before she woke up to Blue barking at the doorbell. Lilah felt more relieved now that she'd done some sort of exercise, so she was going to relax by going live on Instagram to talk to people.

"I literally clicked go live 30 seconds ago and there's already 20,000 of you. Shouldn't half of you be at work?" Lilah laughs as she adjusts the seat to get comfy.

"Feel free to ask me some questions, I've got about half an hour until Mase gets home and kicks me out of his room." She smiles, listening to Blue tiptoe into the room quietly to lie at her feet. 

The Apple Watch on her wrist buzzed, the girl turning her wrist over to read the notification that was coming through, which was a message from Soph asking her if she was okay. She responded to it before she looked back at her phone, pulling her chair forward so she could see the questions better.

"How am I feeling? A simple question to begin with hm? I'm alright, I'm barely able to move without something hurting so I've not even been in training but I'm slowly trying to build myself back up to go back." Lilah admits.

"Am I impressed with the teams performance at the moment? I think we're doing alright at the moment, still top of the league which is where we should be but we could be doing a bit better with the front 3, specifically our finishing, but we've still got a good few matches to go so I shouldn't complain."

"Hm... have we got a name for the baby? We do actually, I could've sworn we already told everyone but that might just be in my head. Mason's decided on the name Maisie-Jayne, so she's got my middle name and if she wants to be an icon like her mum she can be MM19 like her dad." Lilah giggles, scratching her arm nervously.

She felt relieved to be talking to someone that wasn't the dog, she had been alone the last few weeks at home whilst Mason was training and the girls were watching. She didn't want to be a bother and ask them to come over all the time, so she just let them do whatever they wanted whilst she chilled out at home.

"How far along am I? Currently 31 weeks and 3 days, I've not got long left at all which is slightly scary considering Mason and I haven't started doing her nursery yet, literally nothing is done." Lilah admits.

"That makes me sound like a bad Mum but with Mason training all the time it's difficult. Sure, I could do it on my own but I'm in agony with everything and it's the worst feeling ever." 

"How's Blue? Very clingy, she follows me everywhere and tends to bark at Mason whenever he gets too close to me, which is quite funny to be honest." Lilah laughs.

She sat there in the freezing cold room for half an hour babbling on to her followers, cuddling into Mason's Vitesse shirt which she still wore every night despite it being 4 years old. 

Mason arrived home and furrowed his eyebrows at how dark it was downstairs, the midfielder taking his shoes off before he looked around to see if Lilah was anywhere. After searching downstairs, he made his way upstairs and smiled when he could hear her laughter coming from his gaming room.

"Evening." Mason speaks, scaring her half to death. He laughed at her reaction whilst Blue got up and welcomed him, wagging her tail excitedly before she went back to guarding Lilah.

"Hiya." She grins at him as he walks over, leaning down to kiss her lips.

"Do you want anything specific for dinner?" Mason asks.

"Since when did you cook?" Lilah looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Shhh, I'm trying to look like a nice boyfriend for the camera." Mason whispers, watching her shake her head before she lightly slaps him in the stomach. He laughs, moving some hair out of her face before kissing her again, scrunching his nose up at how cute she looked in his shirt before he disappeared.

In all attempts to be a good boyfriend, he started cooking dinner for them both whilst Lilah was assuming he was showering, so when she had finished with her live stream, she came downstairs to see him cooking.

"How are my girls today?" Mason asks as his girlfriend sits at the kitchen counter.

"Maisie is fab, Blue's hungry and I'm exhausted. Managed to get a workout done this morning so I'm not as achy as I usually am." Lilah responds, tying her hair out of her face.

"Have you eaten?" He questions. She nods sheepishly, watching him raise his eyebrows at her before shaking his head.

"I had toast this morning." Lilah replies.

"Stop skipping meals." Mason scolds her.

"I slept through lunch so I just figured I'd wait until dinner." She shrugs, leaning her head on her hands whilst he continued to cook. She loved admiring him when he was doing the simplest of things, the concentration face making her smile even more. 

"I love you." Lilah hums.

"I love you too." Mason replies, turning around to press a kiss to her forehead.

Somehow just being in his presence made her feel so much better, she felt safe and calm whenever he was at home and she never wanted him to leave her. There was absolutely nothing and no one in the world she would trade-in for Mason, she was glad to have him all to herself.

"I love you more."


Grace➛Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now