Mornings & Surprises

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Third Person POV
It was 6:00 the only people that were up was Harley and Joker. They had yet another mission, this time they had to go to London. They left at 7:00 to the airport, they didn't know how long they'd be gone. So they gave Mari the platinum card, even though Mari and her friends didn't need it. This mission would be dangerous, it's so dangerous that they had to bring a couple others.

"Hey Puddin, me and your dad have left for our mission. We're on the plane now, we're not sure how long we'll be gone but we left the card. I know you may not need it but it's better safe than sorry. We took some of our men with us as extra help. Don't get into anymore trouble while we're gone. I'm talking about you specifically, there's a surprise for you in the living room. Be good, stay safe, and we'll see you soon, we love you" that's the note they left.

Damian's POV 
I woke up due to someone moving around on me, I opened my eyes to say Mari and Apache. Apache on my head for some reason and Mari laying on top of me. She was clinging onto me like a Koala, it was cute but she has a tight grip. I grab my phone to look at the time and it's 7:00 AM. The meeting isn't until 6:00 PM and I know Mari is not getting up right now.

Honestly I don't plan on it either, it's way too early we have almost 12 hours until the meeting. I sat my phone back down and looked at the sleeping Angel and smiled. Ever since I've met her my life has been better, so much brighter. It's amazing that I was about to fall in love with her in less than 24 hours.

I don't know what would have happened had she not won that school trip. Then again she did tell me she was planning on coming anyways. Ever since her adoptive parents kicked her out she'd been staying with Chloe. She had been trying to come back to her parents for years but never could.

The perfect opportunity came when the contest came up. She said she wasn't expecting to find love in the city of crime of all places. The fact that I instantly liked her because of some many things amazes me. I literally hate people, I find them to be very idiotic.

I took a picture of her while she slept, she was snoring lightly, her hair was covering her face, her lips for pink and kissable, and her breathing was calming and even. I softly kissed her and she managed to kiss my back still sleeping. To say this took me by surprise is an understatement. It was now 8:00 AM, I was getting sleepy again so I pulled the covers over us and wrapped my arms around her waist. I slowly drifted to sleep with a smile on my face which only she can bring.

Marinette's POV
"-gel Angel" I heard someone calling my name while lightly shaking me. I opened my eyes slightly and say Dami smiling I gave a small smile back. "Angel you have to get up" I took my pillow and threw it at him. Why? Because I'm tired as hell, way too tired to deal with anything right now.

I rolled over and went to go back to sleep as he sighed. I felt him sit down on the bed as he picked me up I yelped in surprise. He sat me on his lap and moved my hair out of my face. He cupped me cheeks and kissed me all over my face making me giggle.

Then he kissed my lips and I instantly kissed him back. I pulled away and laid my head on his shoulder. I was determined to go back to sleep, "Even after kissing you you're still going to sleep" I giggled. I snuggled my face into his neck and he sighed. "Fine, what time is it?" He grabbed his phone to check "It's 12:00" I froze.

I pulled my head away and looked at him narrowing my eyes. "Damian Al Ghul Wayne you woke me up at 12:00 when we don't need to be there until 6:00??" He nodded and smirked "I should kick your ass!" I took a pillow and hit him repeatedly. He picked me up and brought me to the walk in closet and sat me on the chair.

I crossed my arms and pouted as he laughed and glared at him. He went and got both of us matching outfits. I had black leggings, a black T-Shirt that said 'Malak', black vapor air max's, the promise ring Dami got me, my charm bracelets, my ankle bracelet, my miraculous, plus my necklace.

Dami had something similar except he had on black jeans, a black T-Shirt that said 'Shaytan', black vapor air max's, his miraculous, and his chain with our names on it.

"The reason I woke you up is because of this" he handed me a piece of paper I unfolded it and read it.

"Hey Puddin, me and your dad have left for our mission. We're on the plane now, we're not sure how long we'll be gone but we left the card. I know you may not need it but it's better safe than sorry. We took some of our men with us as extra help. Don't get into anymore trouble while we're gone. I'm talking about you specifically, there's a surprise for you in the living room. Be good, stay safe, and we'll see you soon, we love you" -Mom & Dad

"Okay hopefully the mission goes fine, I'll be keeping track of them though." I folded the paper back up and sat it on my dresser. "Let's go see your surprise, we're the only ones up" I smiled and followed him downstairs. We walked into the living room and saw a bunch of presents stacked on the floor.

I squealed and ran over to them and looked at the note. "Hey mini bug, these are for all your hard work lately plus gifts for your recovery etc. Hope you like them we love you!" -Dad & Mom

I smiled and motioned for Damian to come over. We sat on the floor as he pulled me onto this lap. He snuggled his face into my neck as I giggled. Apache came down and sat on my lap as I opened the gifts.

They got me a iPad, the newest iPhone, a Mac book, an Apple Watch, Apple Pen, Air Pods, a couple pairs of sneakers, more fabric, a new sewing machine, an Apple TV, a Buggati (I love this so much), they also got me some new clothes.

They got Dami a new iPhone and Mac Book too and said "To our son in law" which made me blush and Damian smirk. By the time we were done it was 3:00 I set all my stuff up as did Damian. I ended up falling asleep on Damian so he carried me back to the room.

He let me sleep for two more hours before waking me up. Everyone else was up and getting ready so I did the same. Me and Dami took my new car while everyone else decided to take the other cars. From there it was time to make a plan.
Hey guys this is really just a filler chapter, I'll make a new one later. See you later!

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