Chapter 1: Hello Mushroom Kingdom

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One day, in the SMG4 universe, everyone was doing their own thing, SMG4 was making more memes while also studying his origins some more, Mario was humping his spaghetti, which was normal in the SMG4 world, Luigi was doing one of his 10,000 part-time jobs, Peach was being a b*tch like usual, Meggy was busy teaching sports, Tari and Belle had started their own video game company together, Bob was, well, being himself, Fishy Boopkins and Whimpu were busy with stuff related to anime, Saiko was beginning to get noticed at last thanks to playing guitar hero, Jub-Jub was hanging out with his dad, Rob was still working with Steve, Shroomy was still collecting scout badges, SMG3 was still the ruler of the Internet Graveyard, and Melony was doing her best to finish her late boyfriend's Two-Piece manga. What they didn't know, is that very, very soon, their lives would change forever because of a new guy arriving at the Mushroom Kingdom, a red-haired boy named Owen Dodger.

Originally from western Canada, Owen was a bit of a loner and got hotheaded really quickly and because of that, he didn't have many friends. But he loved to explore new places and often at times he helped people that were struggling with something in their everyday lives, as well as doing blacksmith classes. Owen also likes to come up with ideas that could help improve the future, like creating shoes that can be used for walking on top of the water. However, though, he also had some pretty rough times. One time when he was 14, his younger brother Noel got killed when this guy named Adam Baker tried to ambush him and failed big time. He was put in jail, but he escaped and was never found again, but Owen knew he had to stop Adam before he struck again. Speaking of which, Owen was getting ready to leave for the Mushroom Kingdom because he was old enough to leave his parents and live on his own. "Oh, Owen, please tell me you'll be safe in the Mushroom Kingdom, I've heard a lot of strange things happen there," said his mom as she watched her son pack up his stuff. "Don't worry about me, Mom, I'll be ok," said Owen as he packed up his blacksmith stuff. "Mom is serious, Owen. The Mushroom Kingdom has been acting crazy ever since this guy named SMG4 showed up there years ago" said his dad as he joined in on the conversion. "Crazy or not, I will be ok, so please don't worry about me," said Owen as he put the box with his blacksmith stuff with a whole bunch of boxes as well suitcases that had his stuff in them. Sighing in defeat, his parents began to help him carry the boxes and suitcases downstairs so Owen can put them in the all-purpose moving carrier and transporter and head out to his new home.

When the time arrived, Owen had a quick goodbye party with all his friends and family. "Oh, Owen, we are going to really miss you," said his childhood friend Katty as she gave him a began to hug him really tightly. "I'll miss you too, Katty, but don't worry, I will keep in touch with all of you," said Owen as he returned the hug. "Thanks for everything, Big O," said another of Owen's friends, Jerry. After the party, Owen bid everyone farewell and entered the all-purpose moving carrier and transporter to leave for the Mushroom Kingdom. A few hours later, he began to read an article about his new home. He saw that some of the people living there were very retarded and didn't like having random people destroy their stuff. "Okay, maybe Mom and Dad were right, crazy things are happening in the Mushroom Kingdom, but I will still be fine as well I follow the rules," thought Owen as he began to realize how unstable his new home might be. 5 hours later, the redhead finally reached his new home. "Wow, so far so good," said Owen as he began to look outside the window to check out what life is like in the Mushroom Kingdom. But then all of a sudden, BAM! "What the?" said Owen as his head almost hit the ceiling. "Sorry about that, kid, but it seems like we have broken down. You will have to walk the rest of the way," said the driver as smoke appeared from the hood of the broken-down all-purpose moving carrier and transporter. "OH, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE F*CKING WITH ME!" yelled Owen as he angrily stomped his way out of the broken-down vehicle to collect his stuff.

Not far away, the SMG4 gang was busy having a nice day at the park. "Sure feels great to chill out every once in a while, doesn't it Red?" asked Meggy. "Uh-huh," said Mario. "You never change do you, bro?" said Luigi as he slapped his hand to his face. "Yes," said Mario. "Um, guys, what is that thing over there?" asked Tari as she pointed out at the broken-down all-purpose moving carrier and transporter. Everyone looked in that direction and saw that someone was busy getting his stuff out of the back. He had red hair, wore a bright orange jacket with a black shirt that had a rated r symbol on it along with red and black track pants, had some nice runners on, and had glasses on. And by the looks of things, he did not look happy. "It looks like he needs some help, shall we help him out?" asked SMG4. "Let's do this," said Tari as they began to head in that direction. Once they got there, they saw that the redhead was getting really tired from trying to get all his stuff out from the back. "Do you need some help there?" said Tari. The redhead looked over and saw the SMG4 gang.

"Yeah, sure, but who are all of you?" said the redhead. "Oh, where are my manners, I'm Tari, and these are my friends Mario, Luigi, Meggy, Fishy Boopkins, Belle, Bob, Rob, Melony, Whimpu, Jub-Jub, Shroomy, and SMG4," said Tari as she introduced herself and the rest of the gang. "My name is Owen Dodger, and I just moved here from somewhere far away," said Owen as he began to get more of his stuff from the back of the broken-down all-purpose moving carrier and transporter. "Really, where are you from, Owen?" asked Fishy Boopkins. "I'm originally from western Canada," revealed Owen. "Wow, that is far away," said Meggy. "Tell me about it, it took me 8 hours to even get here," said Owen as the SMG4 gang helped him get his stuff out. "I don't give a f*ck," said Mario, making Owen really angry. "Do you care to say that again, B*tch?" said Owen in a very scary voice as a dark red aura flowed from his body. "Um, nothing," said Mario after seeing how short-tempered Owen is along with the others. "Ok, note to self, don't ever get on Owen's bad side," whispered SMG4 to the others as they nodded in agreement. "That's what I thought, now don't get me pissed of again," said Owen in a freighting voice. "So Owen, where is your new house?" asked Belle. "Ah, yes. My new house is not too far from here, but carrying all this stuff would kill me. Can you help me again?" said Owen as he handed out the location of his new house. "Sure, Owen, just give me and Bob a second," said Rob as he and Bob went out to get something. A few minutes later, they arrived in Rob's delivery truck. "Just put your stuff in the back of this truck, Owen, and we help you get settled in your new house," said Rob as he opened the back of his truck. "Thank you, everyone," said Owen as he and the others put all of his stuff in the back of the truck.

And with that, a new chapter was written in the life of Owen Dodger. At first, it started off badly, but now he found some allies in the form of the SMG4 Gang! What will happen to him next? Does he become a member of the SMG4 gang? Find out next time

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