Chapter 37: Celebration Party

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After Owen, Noel, Katty and all of their friends finally arrested Adam Baker and Penelope Shard for their criminal ways, they were now celebrating at Owen's house with a party. "Let me tell you, it feels good not to deal with Adam anymore," said Owen as he danced with his six girlfriends in the backyard. "I know, and I love the fact that you took care of Penelope as well," said Katty. "I know, she was directly responsible for you almost taking your life," said Owen. 

"You know, Owen, you and Katty sure are close, how did you two meet each other?" asked Melony. "Well, it was a long time ago," said Owen. "Back when Owen and Noel were defending most of Western Canada. As a small child, I was bullied a lot for no known reason, but once I found out Penelope was responsible, I tried to confront her, but she caught me off with one of her ice spells, causing me to catch a cold for a while," said Katty.

"But it didn't stop there," said Owen as he placed his arm around his girlfriend. "What happened after that?" asked Meggy. "As the bullying continued, I figured that only my family cared about me, and I tried to take my own life by jumping off a bridge," said Katty, which made Owen's other girlfriends widen their eyes. "W-What?" said Melony. "Luckily I was in the area at the time, and I managed to save her," said Owen.

"I was a bit hesitant about that at first, but after Owen told me that taking my life was never an option, we quickly became friends and he even defeated Penelope almost the same way he defeated 7 Grand Dad and the Bully Boss, except that time, he jumped from the top of a high school," said Katty. "Wow, you sure do care about others, don't you, Owen?" asked Tari. "Yeah, as for the kids who bullied Katty, let's just say nobody wanted anything to do with them after their parents found out," said Owen.

"Well, I'm glad you were there for Katty when she tried committing suicide, Owen," said Mr. Young as he overheard their conversation. "Of course, Mr. Young, committing suicide is a big no in my book," said Owen. "Yeah, if you weren't in that area at the time, Owen, I would be dead today," said Katty. "And I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I didn't catch you in time," said Owen. "Well, I always wondered how you two met, Owen," said Mrs. Arnason as she joined in.

"Yeah, who knew that shortly after saving a girl from committing suicide would lead to them being very close friends and later lovebirds?" asked Mr. Dodger. "Yeah, and since then, in case Katty found herself in that position again, I have trained her in the same Martial Arts that I learned when I was a young kid," said Owen. "I know, and I'm thankful for that as well," said Katty as she kissed Owen on the cheek.

"Aw, you two are so adorable," said Laura. "Thanks, Laura, how are things with you and Jerry been?" asked Owen. "Well, we have been thinking about moving in together soon, just like how Katty moved in with you," said Laura. "That's good, and since Katty moved in with me and Noel, I soon found out that she was trying to master the skills of the Flame Hand Ability," said Owen. "I know. After you moved here, Owen, I missed you so much that I began to practice the Flame Hand Ability to remember you," said Katty as she summoned fire in her hand.

"It's true, Owen, I've even seen her practicing her flames on our firepit outside," said Mrs. Young. "Wow, how did that turn out?" asked Owen. "Well, it was bad, but not bad enough that a bucket of water can't stop," said Mr. Young. "It wasn't until I moved with you and Noel that I eventually gained control of my flames," said Katty. "Wow, that is crazy," said Noel. "I know, little bro, and let me tell you after you disappeared, it took me months for me to get over my depression," said Owen as he touched his scar.

"Yeah, I remember that time, and Katty stayed with us until you got over it," said Mrs. Dodger. "Shortly after watching Forged in Fire, I began to make blades in hope that it would help me get over my depression, and it did," said Owen. "But who knew five years later you would be out catching criminals again?" said Noel. "I know, but for now, let's party!" said Owen as he continued to dance.

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