Chapter 36: The Final Battle (Part 3: The fate of the universe)

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As everyone felt the tense moment of Owen, Noel, and Katty looking at The Ultra Killer 8000, lightning and thunder struck down. "Alright, you power-hungry villains, hope you're ready to suffer your final defeat!" said Owen as he pointed his Bolo Bayonet towards his archnemesis' secret weapon. "Yeah, you have been endangering lives on Earth for far too long now!" said Noel as he summoned his skeleton army. "Not to mention that Penelope has been responsible for making people bully me when I was younger!" said Katty as she summoned fireballs in her hands.

"Hahahaha, fools, this is just the start of my master plan! With you two finally out of the way, I can finally fulfill my dreams of ruling the entire universe!" said Adam. "And I can freeze anyone who dares to oppose us!" said Penelope as she got ready to use the left arm weapons of the Ultra Killer 8000, the Missle Launcher and Fast Acting Venom hand. "Hope you said your goodbyes, bitches, because this is finally the end! The end of you!" said Adam as he got ready to use the built-in sword and electric net launcher on the right arms of the Ultra Killer 8000. The final battle had begun, and the fate of the universe was about to be decided.

As the Ultra Killer 8000 got ready to strike, it was suddenly struck by parts of the submarine that Dark Owen used to defeat Metal Overdrive, and the person responsible was none other than Amelia Jones, who had used her telekinesis to move the pieces of the submarine at the robot. "Ha, how's that for an introduction?" said Amelia as she held a piece of scrap metal with her telekinesis. "Good one, Amelia! Great way to put your powers to good use," said Katty.

"Thanks, Katty, and...," said Amelia before Owen and Noel pushed their friends out of the way as red lightspeed lasers fired from the Ultra Killer 8000's Mantis eyes. "Whoa, that was close, great save there, Owen and Noel," said Katty. "Yeah, that Adam baker will stop at nothing to defeat us, including cheating!" said Owen as he threw fireballs at the robot. "Hahaha, good try, Arnason, but it will take more than the power of fire to bring this baby down!" said Adam.

"How is that robot so tough?" asked Luna. "It has to be the seven Thunder Emeralds, their power is strong enough to power up any machine to its maximum without overheating and create thunderstorms that spread across all of North America!" said Noel as he launched skulls at the robot's head.  "Face it, Noel! As smart as you are, you will never outsmart us!" said Penelope as she fired the missiles from the missile launcher.

However, the missiles were suddenly turned the other way by Amelia's telekinesis, which caused Adam and Penelope's eyes to widen. As the missiles hit the Ultra Killer 8000, they did some damage to it, but it wasn't enough to bring it down for good. "Argh, you and your telekinesis! You are a bigger ass than Owen is!" said Adam as he tried to regain control of his secret weapon. "Well, thank Weapon EXE for that!" said Amelia.

"Grrrr, those idiots! They never listened to me! I told them to not snatch one of Owen's pathetic friends for their telekinesis program, yet they did it anyway!" said Penelope. "You're the one responsible for Weapon EXE, Penelope? I should've guessed all along!" said Katty. "Hmph, who cares about that now?" said Penelope as she used the Fast Acting Venom hand to deliver the knockout hopefully.

"Uh-oh, watch out for that venom-powered hand!" said Noel as he and the others dodged the attack just in time. "Ok, we need a new plan! Any ideas?" said Owen as they went into the lower deck area. "Time to bring out the cannons everyone! Hope you have great accuracy with them!" said Noel. "Alright, time to bring out the big boys!" said Saiko as she got behind one of the big cannons. "You said it, anime girl," said Swagmaster as he and Chris were ready to fire. "Psst, Owen, I have a specially designed cannon just for you and Katty," said Noel.

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