Chapter 34: The Final Battle (Part 1: The confrontation)

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After defeating the Tubbie Leader and Whisk, all of the villains the SMG4 Gang needed to find were now Metal Owen, Penelope Shard, and of course, Adam Baker. "So, we're almost there now, all we need to do is find Metal Owen, Penelope Shard, and Adam Baker, and then we won't have to deal with them ever again," said Noel as the group of heroes walked through a very long hallway.

"Yeah, I've had enough of them, especially Adam, I almost lost you because of him," said Owen. "That's true, but luckily it was one of my clones," said Noel as he formed a clone of himself. "Wow, I don't know which one is the real Noel at this point," said Amelia as she tried to figure out which was the real Noel.

"Yeah, they are like perfect in design," said Owen. "Good job, Owen, you figured it out," said Noel as the clone of himself vanished. "Wow, you sure had me and Adam fooled five years ago," said Owen as he patted his younger brother on the back. "Who knew, five years later you two would reunite," said Katty as she looked at Owen with hearts in her eyes.

"Yeah, and this time, Adam is not escaping," said Owen. Just then, something struck the side of the castle, causing everyone to fall to their knees. "What the heck was that?" said Whimpu. "I don't know, but it can't be good," said Melony. Just then, something big dropped right in front of the SMG4 Gang.

"Whoa, those canons almost got me! Good thing I'm fat!" said a very familiar voice. Looking in front of them, our heroes saw a familiar fire-breathing turtle with spikes and horns. "It's raining Bowsers!" said Mario as he did his dance. "Whoa, I can't believe the Koopa King himself is here," said Owen. "Neither could I, Mr. Owen Dodger, or should I say, the saviour of Earth?" said Bowser.

"Let me guess, you wanted to help me and my friends defeat Adam Baker once and for all?" asked Owen. "Yeah, he was even responsible for stealing some of my treasure!" said Bowser. "Don't worry, the sooner we defeat him, the sooner you'll regain your treasure," said Noel as the heroes got on their knees. "Thank you, time to teach this villain to play nice!" said Katty.

With Bowser now on their side, our heroes pushed further into the depths of Adam's Flying Castle. But even then, they had a hard time finding the long-time arch-nemesis of Owen Dodger. They searched through the diner hall, the control room, and even Adam's throne room, but they couldn't find Adam anywhere. "Wow, Adam sure is good at hiding," said Owen.

"Yeah, and this castle is huge! How will we ever find him?" said Katty. "I know! My Person Finder 4000!" said Noel as he pulled out his device. "Of course, Noel! Why didn't I think of that?" said Owen. As Noel used the Person Finder 400, it soon showed where Adam and Penelope were hiding.

"Well, how about that? They are hiding at the castle's loading bay," said Noel. "Well, then, let's get going then," said Amelia as the heroes ran towards the loading bay. With Adam and Penelope, they were getting ready to enter the Ultra Killer 8000's cockpits. "Hahahaha, this is it, Penelope. This is where we finally defeat those pesky Dodger Brothers!" laughed Adam as he got behind the control panel on the right side of the robot's head.

"Yeah, not to mention those bitches Katty Young and Amelia Jones!" said Penelope Shard as she got behind the control panel on the left side of the robot's head. "After that, with Metal Owen distracting them, we will finally take over the whole world, no scratch that, the entire universe!" said Adam as he and Penelope fastened their seat belts.

Just then, they heard a big explosion in the upper part of the loading bay. Looking up, they saw a huge hole in the wall, and in the hole, was none other than the same people they were just talking about. "Hey! That wall was solid steel! How did you that?" said Adam. "Well, when combining my flames with Katty's, no metal can withstand the heat!" said Owen.

"Well, I don't give a shit about it, but this is finally where you will meet your downfall, Owen Arnason!" said Penelope. "Yeah, especially since we have Metal Owen on our side still!" said Adam as Metal Owen flew in out of nowhere. "That's right, and this will not end like last time, so suck it bitches!" said Metal Owen. "You've endangered lives all over Earth, Adam and Penelope! Your families wouldn't have wanted this!" said Owen.

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