Chapter 32: The secrets of Adam Baker's flying castle (Part 2)

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After finding the strange door once they defeated The Grand Council of Tax Fraud, Owen and the SMG4 Gang went through the door. "Whoa, look at this place!" said Meggy as she looked around. There were wires, routing gears, and a huge fireplace, and it looked like they were giving a lot of power to a massive generator in the middle of the tunnel. "Yeah, just how many secrets does Adam's flying castle have?" said SMG3 as he couldn't believe that Owen's archnemesis put so much work into his castle. "I don't know, SMG3, but we have to be careful, you'll never know if you might come across another one of his hidden traps," said Owen as he pulled out another new weapon, the Pandat battle sword. "Whoa, that is another interesting sword you got there," said Amelia as she knew how much Owen liked using blades in battle. "Yep, the Pandat is quite the chopper," said Owen as he held onto the two-handed weapon tightly.

"I know, you can do some real damage with it," said Katty as she knew the blade's slightly angled design made it a deadly weapon when used in battle. "I know, but how long is this tunnel? We have been in here for quite a while," said Noel as he looked around for the exit. "Now that you mention it, Noel, the exit is nowhere in sight right now, but it's got to be up there somewhere," said Belle as she pointed towards the top level. "You might be right, Belle, but we need to find a way to get up there first," said Owen as he knew Adam Baker wasn't going to make things easy for him or his friends. "Yeah, true, Big O," said Belle as she placed her cyborg arm on her boyfriend. "You know, if we use those gears like jumping platforms, we could get to the top very quickly," said Melony as she looked at the gears.

"Great idea, Melony! Why didn't I think of that?" said Owen as he put the Pandat away to do his extreme jumping skills. "Thanks, Owen, good luck getting up there!" said Melony as she and the others watched Owen jumping from gear to gear. "Don't worry about me, I'll be ok!" said Owen as he timed his jumps very carefully as the gears were moving rather quickly and he really didn't want to fall back down. As he timed his jumps, an evil set of eyes watched him from the top level, and that villain was none other than Sarge. "Hehehe, I'm impressed you made it this far, Arnason, but this is where your adventure ends once and for all," said Sarge as he prepared to use a sniper rifle. Once Owen made it to the top level, he looked for a way to get to the floor itself.

"Hmmm, if I use those wires, maybe I can crawl my way across to the floor," said Owen as he came up with a plan. Jumping onto the nearest set of wires, Owen crawled carefully across them because he didn't want them snapping on him. As his friends watched Owen crawl across the wires, they could only hope that Owen made it across to the floor ok. "Oh, be careful up there, Big O," said Amelia as she was ready to use her telekinesis in case Owen fell back down. "Yeah, I don't want to lose you just yet," said Katty as she didn't want to lose her boyfriend just yet. As Owen finally made it to where he was just above the top floor. "Here goes nothing," said Owen as he let go of the wires and made it onto the floor safely. "Whew, that was close, but now let's find that exit," said Owen as he pulled out the Boa Zande sword, ready to use it in case he needed to.

As Owen searched for the exit to get out of Adam's generator room, he was unaware of Sarge's appearance nearby. Just as Sarge was ready to fire his sniper, Meggy saw him just in time. "OWEN, WATCH OUT!" yelled Meggy as she warned Owen about Sarge ready to strike. "Huh?" said Owen. As he looked to his right, he saw Sarge ready to fire his sniper. "Oh come on, I was hoping to get an easy kill on you!" said Sarge as he was angry his surprise attack on Owen failed big time. "Well, too bad for you, and you'll pay for trying to kill me," said Owen as he replaced the Boa Zande sword for his Bolo Bayonet's rifle. "Trying to outgun me, are you? You'll hardly use firearms, so you make it easy for me to kill you quickly," said Sarge as he replaced his sniper for a Tommy gun. "Yeah, good luck with that," said Owen.

As Sarge fired off a whole load of bullets, Owen used his fireballs to intercept them. As a bunch of smoked formed, Owen took advantage and fired off his rifle, hoping to get a blow. "As much I don't like using firearms, I don't have much of a choice here," said Owen as he hoped he got Sarge with one of his bullets. However, as the smoke cleared, Sarge was alive and well but was now armed with a dagger. "You are strong, Arnason, but this now ends for you!" said Sarge as he whistled for some backup. Suddenly, a bunch of Sarge's soldiers showed up, ready for a fight. "Uh-oh, Owen might need some help here," said Amelia. "You're right, but how could we get up there in time?" asked Tari. "I know, the Flying Flame attack! That way, I'll help even the odds for Owen a little bit," said Katty as she came up with an idea.

"You're right, Katty, good luck, but don't about us, we'll find our own way up there!" said Noel as he and the others watched Katty fly to the top level to give her childhood friend some help. As she flew to the top floor, Noel began using his Undead Hand ability to form some stairs from some huge pieces of bone. "What are you doing, Dodger?" said SMG3 as he watched Noel form the stairs made of bones. "Watch and learn, SMG3," said Noel as he began walking up the stairs to get to the second floor. "Oh, Noel, you clever bastard, that's very smart of you," said Saiko as she and the rest of the SMG4 Gang followed the younger Arnason brother up to his custom-made staircase.

Meanwhile, Katty had made her way up to the top floor, and she kept a good distance from the soldiers because she didn't want to get shot by one of those firearms. 'Don't worry, Big O, I'll be here if you need me,' thought Katty as she watched Owen put his Martial Arts skills to work against Sarge's soldiers. 'Right now, I'm glad I took Martial Arts classes when I was younger,' thought Owen as he threw one of the soldiers over his shoulders. "You may be skilled, but my days in the military will overcome your sheer dumb luck," said Sarge as he got back in the fight against the older Arnason brother. "Over my dead body, Sarge!" said Owen as he and Sarge both pulled out combat knives. As they clashed with their knives, Katty decided to help out by throwing fireballs at Sarge's location to help with Owen's fight against his opponent.

"If you did fight in the military, you would pay more attention to your surroundings," said Katty as she threw her fireballs. "Why you...," said Sarge, but this gave Owen the opening he was looking for. Once Sarge regained concertation, he was instantly met with one of Owen's sucker punches to the face, which led to a 37 hit combo after that. This caused him to fall to the ground, and Owen was the winner. "This... isn't... over," said Sarge before he fell into a coma. "Thanks, Katty, you gave me the opening I was looking for," said Owen as he and Katty kissed each other on the lips. "Alright, you lovebirds, let's get back to business here," said Amelia as she and the others reached the top floor, ready to arrest Sarge and look for a way out of the generator room. "Alright then, let's arrest this creep and find that exit then," said Owen as he helped Mr. Montior put the handcuffs on Sarge.

After Mr. Montior took Sarge to prison, he showed back up at the generator room, ready to move forward to help Owen and the SMG4 Gang get to Adam Baker to confront him for the final time. "Now, where the hell is that exit?" asked SMG4 as they looked for the exit out of the room. "There it is right there, on the other side of the top floor!" said Noel as he found the door out of the generator room. "All man, alright!" said Owen as he used his Flying Flames to get the door very quickly. "Wait for us, Owen!" said Katty as she used her own Flying Flames to catch up with her boyfriend. "There go the lovebirds, shall we catch up to them?" said Amelia as they walked towards the door. "Yeah sure, we have to confront Adam Baker anyways," said Noel as he reminded the reason why they were at Adam Baker's castle. "Yeah, that's so true, Noel," said SMG2 as he knew the final battle with Adam Baker was going to be tough.

Damn, Sarge put up a good fight against Owen, but once again the redhead emerged as the winner. So with Whisk, Tubbie Leader, Metal Owen, Penelope Shard, and Adam Baker left to capture, will our heroes find them in time for the final showdown? Find out next time on SMG4: A New Life. Also, don't forget to leave a like and leave a comment below on how you thought the chapter went! See ya all next time!

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