Chapter 14: Helping Katty move in and a battle of the ages

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After Katty joined Owen's harem, all of his old and new friends congratulated her for realizing her dream of becoming Owen's boyfriend. "Katty, I always knew you were one of my closest friends, but you having a crush on me means something special," said Owen as he spent some alone time with Katty. "I know, Owen. I have waited a long time to confess my true feelings to you," said Katty as she was on cloud 9 right now. "So, now that you're moving in with me, do you need help packing up your stuff?" asked Owen as he wanted to offer his childhood friend some help. "Yes, please, Owen," said Katty as the two went in for a kiss. As Noel watched them, he smiled. "I trust Katty to be Owen's girlfriend, I have supported them for a long time, and I knew it was only of time before they took their relationship to the next level," said Noel as he watched the lovers kissed each other. As Owen and Katty returned to the reunion party, everyone was having a piece of the chocolate cake. "What's up, lovebirds?" said Meggy as she offered Owen and Katty some cake. "Not much, Meggy, thanks for the cake," said Owen as he and Katty took their pieces of cake. After the party was over, Owen told his parents that he was going to help Katty pack her stuff so she can move in with him.

"Wow, Owen, you are always so thoughtful of others, so you're heading back to western Canada for a while then?" said Mr. Dodger. "Yep, I want to make sure that Katty has no problems packing up her stuff," said Owen as Katty felt her heart tug at Owen's words. 'Damn, why does he have to be so loving and caring?' thought Katty. "If you want, Owen, we can help you as well," said SMG4 as he and the rest of the gang showed up. "Thanks, SMG4, the more help Katty has, the better, although I think Mario would almost be useless," said Owen as he watched Mario hump his paste. "Yeah, that is so true, Owen," said Katty as she was disgusted to see what Mario was doing. "Yeah, I think it's best if he stayed here," said Mr. Arnason. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's head to western Canada so Katty can pack up her stuff," said Belle as she wanted to see where her boyfriend grew up. "Let's getting going then," said Owen as everyone except Mario headed to the Airport.

Once they got on their plane, everyone took their seats, although Owen got a bit crowded due to his six girlfriends wanting to be with him. "Owen sure has his hands full," said Jerry as he looked at Owen trying to calm down his girlfriends. "Tell me about it, I knew he would grow up to be a handsome young man, but being in a harem is truly something else," said Mr. Dodger as he watched his oldest son eventually gave in and let his harem kiss him. "Ok, fine, girls, you win," said Owen as he blushed in embarrassment as the girls kissed him on the lips. 4 hours later, they finally reached western Canada. "Welcome to my home country, SMG4 and friends," said Owen as he showed the SMG4 Gang where he grew up. "Wow, this place is beautiful," said Tari as she was amazed by the surrounding areas. "I know, there are lots of trees and wildlife living around here in British Columbia," said Owen as everybody started to head to Katty's house. Once they got there, they were instantly welcomed by her parents. "Hello, Katty, it's great to see you again, Owen," said Mrs. Young as she laid her eyes on her daughter's childhood friend. "It's great seeing you again as well, Mrs. Young," said Owen as he and the SMG4 Gang entered the house. "So how's life in the Mushroom Kingdom, Owen?" asked Mr. Young as everybody took a seat.

"Oh, it's great there, aside from really weird stuff that the residents do there," said Owen. "Now, I understand that Katty is going to be moving in with you, is that right?" asked Mrs. Young as she remembered that Katty called her to tell her that she was now Owen's girlfriend and was going to move in with him. "Yes, Mom, that is correct, and he and his new friends the SMG4 Gang are going to help me pack up my stuff," said Katty. "Oh, Owen is showing his kind side once again," said Mr. Young. "Yeah, but the day after I moved to the Mushroom Kingdom, I ran into an all too familiar enemy in the form of Adam Baker," said Owen as he grumbled saying Adam's name. "WHAT? ADAM BAKER IS IN THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM?" screamed Mrs. Young as she was shocked to hear that Adam Baker was now in the Mushroom Kingdom. "Yeah, I'm afraid so," said Owen. "But knowing you, Owen, you will defeat him when it comes to the final battle, is that true?" said Mr. Young as he knew how much Owen wanted to free the world from Adam Baker. "You got that right! But now that I have my younger brother back we will take him down together!" said Owen as he and Noel stood up. "I still find it hard to believe that Noel is still alive after five years," said Mrs. Young as she looked Noel eye to eye.

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