Chapter 4: The history between Owen Dodger and Adam Baker

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Flashback 5 years ago

One day, Owen, who was 14 at the time, was busy examing his huge collection of knives from history. "Wow, I just love looking at these beautiful pieces of history," said Owen as he picked up his favourite knife, the M1915 Bolo Bayonet. "And I think this one right here, is my favourite one," said Owen as he polished the blade to prevent it from rusting. "Big deal, your hobby is just a waste of space," said a voice. Owen turned around and saw a teen around his age. He had bright orange hair, bloody red eyes, and wore clothes as a goth would. "Just who do you think are?" asked Owen as he was ticked off at someone being negative about his knife collection. "I'm Adam Baker, and I will put you in your place, Owen Dodger," said Adam as he began to charge right at Owen. "How do you even know my name?" asked Owen as he got out of the way just in time. "Well, you shouldn't take pictures of your knives and post them online, b*tch," said Adam as he grabbed one of the machetes from Owen's collection. "HEY! Put that back!" said Owen angry that somebody took one of his knives. "Make me, mother f*cker!" said Adam, which made Owen even angrier than he was before.

"OK, THAT'S IT! YOU JUST MADE ME PISSED! AND WHEN I'M PISSED, PEOPLE LIKE YOU GET TAUGHT A LESSON!" screamed Owen as steam began to come out of his ears and a dark red aura appeared around his body. "Oh, what is a 14-year-old like you going to do to me, I'm so scared," mocked Adam, which would make it clear he wasn't afraid of playing mind games. And with that, Owen charged right at Adam and the two began to clash with their knives. 15 minutes later, both Owen and Adam were very tired and had holes in their clothes. "You are strong, Owen, but you can't keep going," said Adam as he went in for another strike. "Don't get too cocky, Adam, this fight isn't over yet," said Owen as he blocked the attack. "What in the world is happening here?" asked a voice Owen knew about. "Noel is that you, younger brother?" asked Owen as he blocked another attack from Adam. "Owen, who is this guy?" asked Noel as he wanted to protect his older brother from the intruder. "Adam Baker's the name, and I take it you're this guy's younger brother, huh?" said Adam as Noel went to grab one of Owen's daggers, but that turned out to be a big mistake. "Oh, trying to help out your brother, huh? Well, too bad," said Adam as he delivered a quick blow to Noel's heart, killing him instantly. "NOEL! NOOOOO!" yelled Owen as he witnessed his younger brother get killed by his new arch-nemesis. At this point, Noel's lifeless body fell down to the ground, with a lot of blood escaping.

At this point, Owen's emotions got the better of him as he charged right at Adam and began to strike very aggressively. Adam was taken aback by this as he didn't expect this from a 14-year-old. "Owen, what is going on... OH MY GOD! WHAT HAPPENED TO NOEL?!?!" screamed Owen's mom as she rushed over to Noel's lifeless body. "This guy killed him while I was under attack, Mom," said Owen as he blocked another attack from Adam. "YOU MONSTER! TAKE THIS!" said Mrs. Dodger as she hit Adam right in the head with a frying pan, knocking him out in the progress. "Owen, are you ok?" asked Mrs. Dodger as she was worried about her oldest son. "I think so, but I'm not feeling great about Noel's death," said Owen as he looked over at Noel's lifeless body. "I know how you feel about that, Owen, but don't worry though, this guy will get what he deserves," said Mrs. Dodger as she looked at Adam. 10 minutes later, Adam was arrested for attacking Owen and killing Noel and was given a life sentence without a chance of parole. However, 2 months later, he escaped and stole a machete from a local hunting store, and disappeared without a trace. It was at this point that Owen realized that he needed to find Adam and put him back in jail as soon as possible, but he never did find him.

Flashback over

"...And there you have it," said Owen, leaving the SMG4 Gang completely shocked. "I can't believe he would actually kill your younger brother, Owen, what a monster that guy is," said Tari as she and the others began to throw their strong support towards the newest member of the gang. "Tell me about it, I get depressed just by thinking about that day," said Owen as tears started to form on his face. "Hey, Owen, Melony and I know what's it like to lose someone, so if you want to come to talk to us, our doors are always open," said Meggy as she gave Owen a tight hug, which he returned. "Let me tell you, Owen, if Adam comes near you again, I'll make sure he regrets it," said Belle as she pulled out a shotgun as she wanted to protect Owen at all costs. "Thanks, Belle, and after he disappeared, I was wondered where he went to, and years later, I finally found him, ready for our final showdown," said Owen as he put his Bayonet away. "I take it you are ready to face him again, Owen?" asked Fishy Boopkins. "You bet I am, Boopkins, and this time I'll make sure he doesn't get away," said Owen as a fierce face went on him. "I don't know, Owen, it sounds really dangerous," said Luigi. "I know it is, Luigi, but it's what Noel would want from me, to avenge his death," said Owen as he looked up in the sky.

'Noel, wherever you are right now, I found Adam Baker, and this time he's not getting away from me. I will avenge your death, little brother, just watch me,' thought Owen as he was praying that Noel got his call. Sadly, nothing happened. "Well, what do you guys want to do next?" asked Owen. "I was thinking about going to Peach's castle, do you want to join us?" asked SMG4. "Sure, why the hell not?" said Owen as he and the others went to Peach's castle.

Wow, the history between Owen Dodger and Adam Baker is really, really personal in a lot of ways. When those two meet each other for the final showdown in a future chapter, will Owen avenge his brother's death and rid the world of his arch-nemesis once and for all? But for now, let's see what happens next time when the gang goes to Peach's Castle in the next chapter.

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