Chapter 2: Settling in

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After meeting the SMG4 gang, Owen finally reached his new house. It was not too big and not too small, and it had a very big backyard. "Well, this is my new house, guys," said Owen as he got some of his stuff out and began to take it inside. "Wow, Owen, this is a very nice house," said Luigi as he, unfortunately, grabbed the box that had all of Owen's blacksmith stuff, falling back first onto the ground. "Offf, what do you have in this box, Owen? It weighs a ton," said Luigi as SMG4 and Meggy helped him get back up. "Oh yeah, that box includes all of my blacksmith stuff, so be careful with that one," revealed Owen. "Wait, you're a blacksmith, Owen?" said Belle shocked. "Yes, Belle, I am a part-time blacksmith," said Owen as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Wow, Owen, what else do you do for a living?" said SMG4 as he and the others wondered about Owen's lifestyle. "Well, I help people that struggling with their lives and I think of ways that could help improve our future," said Owen as he, Whimpu, Saiko, and Belle moved the box that contained his blacksmith stuff out to the backyard. "Wow, Owen, you are such a kind and smart person," said Meggy as she and Tari grabbed one of the suitcases.

"Thanks, Meggy, but as you saw from earlier with Mario, I get hotheaded, very, very fast," said Owen as he gave Mario the icy cold stare. "Yeah, Owen, thanks for the warning," said Melony as she grabbed the box that contained the stuff for his bedroom. "I figured it's best to tell things ahead of time, so if you say something bad about me, be careful," said Owen as he, Whimpu, Sakio and Belle returned from the backyard. After everything was unloaded, Owen and the SMG4 gang began to place everything where it belongs. Melony and Meggy were taking care of the bedroom, SMG4, Tari and Belle were taking care of the stuff that involved TVs, computers, and video games in a very big room, Whimpu and Sakio were taking care of the kitchen, Mario and Luigi were helping Owen take care of the blacksmith shop, and Bob, Rob, Fishy Boopkins, Jub-Jub, and Shroomy were taking care of the living room. 

"Wow, even though we just met Owen, he seems like a very nice guy, right Melony?" said Meggy as she and Melony put the final touches on Owen's bed. "Yep, he sure does seem like a nice kid, as long as you don't get on his bad side," said Melony as she remembered Owen's warning about him being hotheaded. "Yeah, that's very true," said Meggy as she and Melony pushed Owen's bed to the back wall. "Now let's get the other stuff out of the way, starting with his dresser, and then his closet," said Melony as she and her anti-counterpart resumed making Owen's bedroom.

Meanwhile, SMG4, Tari, and Belle were busy putting together the room that included Owen's electronics. "Wow, whoever raised Owen sure did a great job doing it," said Tari as she and Belle were setting up Owen's video game consoles. "Yeah, I mean, while he might get hotheaded very easily, he sure has a huge heart," said Belle. "That is very true, Belle, he might be short-tempered, but he is very nice on the outside," said SMG4 as he was putting together the final touches for Owen's computer because he was so good at setting up computers. "Wow, SMG4, you're almost done with Owen's computer already?" asked Tari as she and Belle were shocked about how long it SMG4 to take care of the computer setup. "I set up computers really, really fast, girls," said SMG4 as he joined in the help Tari and Belle to set up the video game consoles.

With Whimpu and Saiko, they were making good progress with Owen's kitchen. "Wow, this isn't so bad, right, Queen?" asked Whimpu before getting hit in the head by Saiko's mallet. "I told you not to call me that, but yes, we are making good progress in the kitchen," said Saiko. "That's all I wanted to hear, Saiko," said Whimpu as he pushed Owen's new fridge into place while Saiko was taking care of the cabinets. "Owen may be hotheaded like you, Saiko, but he sure kind to others," said Whimpu as he gave his thoughts about Owen. "Yes, that is true, but seeing him gave Mario that scary talk earlier, he might be more short-tempered than me," said Saiko as she felt chills go down her spine after seeing Owen's nasty attitude against Mario. "Let's get back to work here, the sooner we can finish this, the sooner we can leave," said Whimpu. "Great idea, but let's not go too fast, we might overlook even the smallest f*cking thing," said Saiko as the two went back to work.

With Owen, Mario, and Luigi, they were busy putting together his blacksmith shop. "Wow, Owen, what got you into blacksmithing?" asked Luigi as he and Mario just placed Owen's Big Blu power hammer into the right spot. "I got aspired after watching this awesome f*cking TV show called Forged in Fire, Luigi. You should watch it sometime, it's really good," said Owen as he finished placing his gas and coal forges in their desired spots. "I'll give it a try sometime, Owen, thanks for telling me," said Luigi. "Mario's getting really tired here, can I do something else here?" said Mario. "No way, Mario, not after you offended my 8-hour trip to get here," said Owen as his mean side came back into play. "Ok, Ok, Mario will go back to work," said Mario as he and Luigi placed Owen's anvil near the forges. "Good, now stay working until we are down here," said Owen as he placed his hydrolytic press near the power hammer.

Finally, with Bob, Rob, Fishy Boopkins, Jub-Jub, and Shroomy, they were busy putting together Owen's living room. Bob and Rob were setting up the couches, Shoormy was setting up the TV, and Fishy Boopkins and Jub-Jub were setting up the small dining table. "Wow, this is turning out really nice, right Shroomy?" said Fishy Boopkins. It sure is, Fishy Boopkins, I mean look how great this place is turning out," said Shroomy. "Yeah, this place sure is turning out to be very f*cking great. It's even better than Peach's castle," said Bob. "You got that right, Bob," said Rob as he and Bob just finished placing the couches to their desired spots. "Owen is a really nice guy if you don't get on his bad side," said Fishy Boopkins. "Yeah, true," said Shroomy.

A few hours later, Owen's house was all set, and he really liked it. "This... is.... F*CKING AWESOME!!!" said Owen as he was very happy with the work that everybody did, except for Mario. "Thank you, everyone, I appreciate all your help," said Owen as he thanked the SMG4 gang for their help. "You're welcome, Owen, and if you want to visit us, this is where we live," said SMG4 as he gave Owen the locations where the SMG4 gang members live. "Thanks, SMG4, see you another time," said Owen as he got settled into his new home. "But, wait for a second, there Owen," said Meggy which made the redhead stop and turn around. "What is it, Meggy?" asked Owen as he wondered about what was going on. "We have been thinking about you when we were setting up your house, Owen, and we think you'll be a great addition to the gang. Want to join us?" asked SMG4 as he gave his hand. "Well, since you helped me settle into my new house, how could I not say no?" said Owen as he shook SMG4's hand. At this point, everybody smiled and took a selfie with the newest member of the SMG4 Gang before heading back to their respective homes.

And that's another chapter, Owen and the SMG4 gang got together and helped him build his home, and Owen became the newest member of the gang, but what will happen next? Find out in the next chapter.

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