Chapter 29: Owen's date with fate

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As our heroes left the arena to now search for Adam Baker's flying castle for the final battle, Meggy, Tari, Saiko, Belle, and Melony couldn't help but wonder how Owen got possessed by the power of darkness in the first place, so they decided to ask him what happened the day he got possessed by the darkness. "Um, Owen?" asked Tari as she nervously asked her boyfriend. "What is it girls?" said Owen as he looked to his girlfriends. "How did you get possessed by the darkness in the first place?" asked Melony, which made everyone look at Owen as they wanted to know what happened to Owen that day, except Noel and Katty already knew what happened. "Yeah, what happened that day?" asked Whimpu as everyone wondered what happened to Owen that day. Sighing, Owen gave in and decided to tell the story of how he got possessed by the darkness. "Well, it happened a very long time ago, and Noel and Katty were with me when it happened, so it happened two years before my first battle with Adam Baker...," said Owen as he, Noel, and Katty told the story of how he got possessed by the darkness, which would change his life for a very long time.

Flashback: (7 years ago)

Owen's POV

Back when I was 12 years old, me, Noel, and our friends went on a bike ride through the woods. We thought it would be nice to get away from my heroic deeds for a while so I could focus on doing normal stuff like a normal person. "Wow, it is sure nice to get away from the forces of evil every once in a while, right older bro?" asked Noel as we peddled our way through the woods. "Yeah, I guess it helps with me living a normal life, but I still prefer to help others," I said as I did a bunnyhop over some rocks. "Oh, Owen, you are so selfless at times," said Katty as we took a right-hand turn. "Well, after I learned the ways of the Flame Hand ability, I figured I'd put it to good use," I said as I summoned a fireball from my left hand.

Just then, we heard some thunder going off at a distance. "You know it was supposed to be a thunderstorm today and I think this might be it coming right now," said Jerry as we felt some raindrops coming down. "Yeah, let's find cover fast!" I said as we looked for cover. But unfortunately, I didn't pay attention to where I was going and went down a very steep embankment. "OWEN, NO!" said Luara as I couldn't control where my bike was going. "Oh, this is not going to end well for me!" I said as I was dodging bushes and branches. Just then, my bike crashed into a big rock and I got sent flying. But after I landed back on the ground, I started rolling out of control down the embankment.

'Uh-oh, I think I'm going to lose my lunch!' I thought as I was on the verge of throwing up. As I continued rolling down the hill, I could tell my friends were looking for me as I heard their voices yelling. 'This is not going to be pretty,' I thought as I felt rocks and branches cut open some of my skin. But at last, I stopped rolling at the foot of another large rock. "Oh, I'm dizzy," I said as I threw up my lunch. As I regained control of my surroundings, I knew I had to figure out where I was. As I looked behind me, I saw a temple, but it was a lot different than the temple where I learned the ways of the Flame Hand ability. It was pitch black and it looked like it was going to fall apart.

"Ok, this doesn't look like a good place to explore," I said as I looked at the temple. So I walked away from it, but unfortunately, the thunderstorm had shown up, and I had no other choice but to enter the temple. "Whoa, that was close," I said as I checked out the temple. "WHO DARES ENTER THE TEMPLE OF DARKNESS? LEAVE HERE AT ONCE!" said a very dark voice deep within the temple, making me a little scared. 'Uh-oh, maybe I should leave,' I thought as I began to leave the temple. But whatever made that voice was closing in on me pretty fast so I picked up the pace. "YOU THINK YOU CAN OUTRUN ME? THINK AGAIN!" said the voice as it caught up to me. "No, please don't hurt me, I just wanted to get out of this place," I said as I tried to escape from the temple. "Hmmm, actually, you'll make a pretty good host for me," said the voice as it entered my body from my ears. "NOOOOOO, PLEASE STOP THAT AT ONCE!" I yelled as I felt it enter my body, and after that, I fell into unconsciousness on the temple's stone-cold floor, now putting my life at stake.

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