Chapter 17: The Dark Web battle; Part 1

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After defeating Metal Owen and getting the map to Adam Baker's castle, we find our heroes back at Owen's training course. "You know, Owen, I have heard about your heroic deeds across the world, but I never figured out the reason how you did it," said SMG3 as he and SMG4 were getting better at using their meme powers. "Well, thanks to my multiple choice of weapons and Flame Hand ability, I have gained a lot of popularity," said Owen as he taught Katty how to use the power of the seven Flame Emeralds. "So Owen, if everything goes right, I will become Super Flaming Katty?" asked Katty as the Flame Emeralds began circling around her body. "Exactly, my childhood friend," said Owen as he encouraged Katty to unlock her super form. As the Flame Emeralds began circling her body faster and faster, Katty soon began to feel the emeralds enter her body. Once that happened, the fire-like glow surrounded Owen's childhood friend and she disappeared into it. Once the glow died down, Katty was still there, but now she looked different. She looked like Owen's super form, with the only difference being she now wore fire-coloured gloves and boots. 

"Wow, Owen, I feel more powerful already," said Super Flaming Katty as she tried out her new powers. As she flew around the training course at her increased speed, Melony was shivering slightly due to going to the Dark Web again. The first time she was there, she, Axol, Bob, SMG4 and Mario were looking for SMG4's USB Pod to find the answers to where SMG1 and SMG2's USB Pod was located, but after a Dark Web Onion Dump scared her while she hacking a VPN, she traumatized and couldn't snap out of it. But after Axol used Chonku No Jiutsu on himself, Melony snapped out of it and became a Chonku herself for a little while before completing the hack. But because Axol was no longer with her, she was worried about getting scared again. "Hey, Melony, what's wrong?" asked Meggy. "I don't know how I feel about going to the Dark Web again. I mean, with Axol not around to turn me in a Chonku again, I could get scared senseless again," said Melony.  

"Don't worry, Melony, you will overcome the scariness of the Dark Web, but with my help," said Owen as he approached the watermelon-turned-human. "*Sigh*, thanks, Owen, but without Axol, things won't be the same," said Melony as she looked at a picture of Axol. "I have an idea, why don't you try practicing Chonku No Jiutsu on yourself?" said Owen as he came up with a suggestion. "Of course, good job Owen! Why didn't I think of that?" said Melony as she felt encouragement once again. As Owen handed her his laptop to learn Chonku No Jiutus, Melony watched SMG4: Into the Dark Web to see how Axol used Chonku No Jiutsu on himself. After she watched it, she began doing exactly what he did. Once she did the movement with her arms, she said Chonku No Jiutsu and became a Chonku. "Wow, Owen, you took care of Melony's scariness really quickly," said SMG4 as everyone looked down at the now Chonku Melony. "You know, I wonder how I would look as a Chonku," said Owen as Melony returned to normal. "I did it, thanks for helping me, Owen," said Melony as she hugged her boyfriend. "No problem, Melony, I couldn't let any of my friends down," said Owen.

Owen's encouraging words made his girlfriends' hearts tug. 'Wow, handsome and helpful, what a boyfriend,' thought Katty as she was now back to normal after testing her super-form. "But watch out, the creepy stuff in the Dark Web isn't all we have to worry about, we still have to watch out for the No-Textures and Defective Weegee, and a tall order on them count," said Noel as he reminded every else about the villains that awaited them in The Dark Web. "Yeah, if the No-Textures touch SMG4, Mario, Luigi, Meggy, Tari, Saiko, Bob, Fishy Boopkins, Rob, Jub-Jub, Whimpu, and Belle, they will steal their textures, and if Defective Weegee hugs you, you become a Weegee Doll, so close-range attacks will be pretty much useless against them," said Owen as he recalled watching the episodes that the No-Textures and Defective Weegee debuted in. "Thank god there are no No-Textures of me, Owen, Katty, Melony, SMG1, SMG2, SMG3, Swagmaster, and Chris. Otherwise, we would be in huge trouble," said Noel as he thought about the No-Textures stealing their textures. "Well, we've got a long journey ahead of us to reach Adam's castle, shall we get going?" asked Owen. 

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