Chapter 1.

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The first few chapters are absolutely terrible. I would change and edit them but it probably wouldn't help. :'D but they do get better later on so don't give up! (:

*I was walking down the aisle to my waiting groom. Wait a second! Since when am I getting married?! I'm only 19. When I reached the end where he waited, I noticed that I couldn't see his face. Who am I getting married to? This has got to be a dream. Wake up Kristen! Escape this fairytale and get back to the real world.*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I quickly turned it off and covered my head. I had dreamt the entire night and got no sleep at all. My alarm went off again and I turned it off. I had a busy day and I should get started. I turned Take Me Home on shuffle and hopped in the shower. I always do my best thinking while in the shower. But this morning was different. All I could think about was the crazy dream and One Direction. Honestly, I was a huge Directioner. I just didn't like telling people because that leaded to a fight over who the ugliest one was and that they were gay and so on. So I kept my dedication to myself, my sister Lizzy, my best friend Becca, and of course, the One Direction instagram I had. I jumped out of the shower and put on a T-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. I topped my outfit off with a pair of Nike's and I was out the door.

I always started my weekend morning off with a jog around the neighborhood. I put my earbuds in and began my jog. I was almost home when I bumped in to a guy that was standing in the middle of the sidewalk. C'mon buddy. Can't you see I was enjoying my jog? He dropped his phone on the ground. I must have caught him off guard.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," I apologized and completely forgot that I was going to yell at him. There was something about his eyes that made my thoughts become jumbled.

"It's fine! I should've been paying attention." I could tell by his accent he wasn't from around here. He looked down and saw my 1D dogtag.

"So. You're a Directioner?"

"I. Um. I mean. Yeah. Yes. I'm a Directioner." Wait, why was I so nervous around this guy? I'm never nervous around guys. He chuckled. Wait a second. The brown hair, brown eyes, the laugh. I just bumped into Liam James Payne from One Direction.

"Oh my gosh. You're Liam! From One Direction!" I quickly turned my dogtag over to show him the side that had his face on it.

"Awh. That's cute!" he laughed.

"You're not like other fans. By this time I would've been attacked," He laughed again. Gosh his laugh was just so sexy. "So um. Do you want a picture, autograph, hug?"

"Oh. I uh. Um. Sure. I would love to get a hug and picture with you" I stuttered. Kristen! Act cool! You are talking to Liam Payne. The advice I was giving myself wasn't helping. I gave Liam a hug and got a few pictures with him on my phone. He even signed my phone case!

"It's been nice talking to you. Oh! I don't even know your name!"

My mind went blank. "M-my name is-s Kris-Kristen."

"Well that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Liam winked and then he was gone.

I ran home. I thought I was gonna pass out when I made it to my house. I just met my idol. I just talked to Liam Payne and I completely blew it. I should've actually had a conversation with him. But no. I was too busy fangirling. Of course. That was just my luck. I checked my phone and noticed it was only 9:30 A.M. I dialed Becca's number. She should be up by now.

"Kris? Why are you calling me on Saturday morning?"

"Becca it's important. Meet me at Starbucks as soon as you can."

"Whatever" I knew I had woken her up. I didn't care. I had to talk to her ASAP.

I ran up to Lizzy's room and jumped on her. She was still asleep. What's with everyone sleeping so late?

"Lizzy! You'll never guess who I just metttt!" I sang as she shoved me off her bed and into the floor.

"Lizzy! Get yo lazy butt outta bed and get dressed right now! We're meeting Becca at Starbucks. I've got big news!" Liz moaned and then got up.

"Are you gonna wear that?" she asked me. I forgot I was still in my jogging clothes.

"Uh. No. I'm gonna change."

"Good. You look like you just went jogging"

"Well no duh Liz. You would think after 5 years of jogging every weekend you would know my daily routine."

We got dressed and hopped in my car and headed to Starbucks.

They Don't Know About Us. (Liam Payne Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu