Chapter 2.

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We got to Starbucks before Becca so we chose a booth in the back. Lizzy and I got a hot chocolate and started sipping our drinks. Becca showed up a few minutes later wearing her pajamas.

"Well you sure dressed up for the occasion," I joked.

"What did you want?" she mumbled as she sat down. "Couldn't you just text me?!"

I could tell she was mad. I didn't care. This was not just something I can say over a text. Her and Lizzy were both staring at me waiting for me to talk. I took a sip of my drink and told them how I met Liam.

"Omg omg omg!" Becca wouldn't shut up. Liz was speechless. I was pretty sure she swallowed some bugs because her mouth was hanging open.

"Tell me again!" She finally said.

"I'm not telling you again" Gosh. She was so annoying. "Pleasseee!!" I gave in and told them again.


"I wish I would've been with you!" Lizzy said as I finished the story for a third time.

"Liz, you hate running."

"I know but I should've, you know, walked with you or waited at the corner." She was annoying. She really was.

"Thank you soo much for getting me out of bed," Becca said as she crammed a cookie in her mouth.

"I told you it was important. But I haven't even told you to best part about it."

"There's moreee?" They both sang at the same time.

"Yesss." I pulled out my phone case. They both gasped.

"He signed your phone!" Becca screamed.

"Shhhhh. We're in a public place," I hissed across the table. She quickly covered her mouth. I noticed we we're getting dirty looks. We finished our drinks in silence and decided to go to the mall and do some shopping. They both continued to aggravate me about meeting Liam. I ignored them and continued shopping.


It was around noon when we stopped at Taco Bell to eat. I saw a group of girls crowded around a table. We got our food and sat down. Lizzy and Becca continued to ask me questions about my encounter with Liam. I answered in between bites and then I told them that they were wasting oxygen. They quit talking and finished their meals. I saw someone get up from the table that was surrounded by girls and walked to the bathroom. None of the girls noticed him get up.

I ate some more and decided to use the bathroom. I turned the hallway that lead to the bathroom and bumped into a man. I need to pay more attention to where I'm going. Today was just not my day. I mean I bumped into Liam earlier and now this guy. I looked up and found myself staring into a set of beautiful brown eyes.

"Nice to see you again, Kristen," he smiled as he helped me up. I didn't even noticed that I fell.

"Liam," I gasped. He's gonna think I walk with my eyes closed or something. I mean that was the second time I bumped into him. What were the odds of bumping in to a celebrity two times in one day? Apparently today was my lucky day.

-Author's Note- 

So. I'm gonna start writing my notes down here. It's a little boring right now but it will get better. Sorry its short. I'll make the next chapters longer. :) don't forget to vote and comment. :)

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