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Many years later...

*Kristen's POV*

"Matthew! Lindsey! Get down here now! You're uncles will be here any minute!" I called from the living room.

"Coming Mum!" they both yelled back.

Lindsey was 17 while her brother was 15. Both children looked exactly like their father except for Matthew's blue eyes. Lindsey came down the stairs first while her younger brother still wasn't down here. I sat next to Liam while she sat across from us.

"Can I ask you guys something?" she asked.

"Of course sweetie. What is it?"

"Well no one at school thinks Martin and I are a good couple. Everyone says he could do better and I'm awful. What am I supposed to do?"

"Stick your middle finger high in the air and say f-"

"Louis Tomlinson! You will not tell my daughter to do that!" I yelled at him as he walked through the door with El and their three children following.

"That's what you two did," he said shrugging his shoulders and sitting down. I smiled as I remembered Liam and my story. After he proposed, news spread quickly and the fans didn't like the fact 2/5 of One Direction was now getting married. The hate greatly increased and at times I wanted to throw the ring back. I didn't though. I simply told some fangirls off and so did Liam. The large amount of hate didn't stop until 3 years later when Lindsey was born. They finally realized we were serious and happy. We still get hate today but it doesn't bother us.

The years up to Lindsey's birth were tough. World tours, fights, hate, late work nights were hard to handle at times. Once she was born, we remembered why we fell in love in the first place. We still fought, I still had to deal with his career, but it was easier seeing a little girl with Liam's eyes walking around.

"Well, Lindsey, you tell the people that it is none of their business. Tell them that you are both happy and they shouldn't be involved. That's the best thing," Liam explained.

"I'll try that Dad. Thank you. Even though I do like your answer Uncle Lou."

"That's my girl," Louis smiled. I just rolled my eyes.

"Just ignore them. Their opinion doesn't matter. It's just you and Martin, and of course your father and I and Martin's parents. If you love him, don't let anything stop that," I told my oldest child.

"Thanks Mum. I'll do that."


Everyone was sitting in our living room and when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Liam, Lindsey, Matthew, Lou, El, their children, Niall and his wife, their children, Zayn, Perrie, their child, Harry, his wife, and their child. The boys had a big announcement they wanted to make so we decided to get together.

"What's the news Dad?" Matt asked.

"Well," he began, "One Direction is coming back!"

"What?!" everyone screamed.

"We are releasing a new album and going on a world tour! It's going to be like a comeback thing."

"That's so exciting!"

One Direction had ended when Matt was first born. All the boys were beginning to have families and their fans had families of their own. So they stopped but continued to record songs and perform gigs around the world occasionally.

"It starts next year! It'll be just like old times. Isn't that right lads?" Harry said. They all smiled and nodded. "I have some new jokes too!" He continued. Everyone groaned and looked away. We were tired of his awful and corny jokes.

Everyone was happy and healthy. It had been tough at first but we managed. Now everything was how I wanted it. I had a husband that I loved and I had two beautiful and incredible children.

Lizzy and Becca were happy too. They were both married with children. I kept in close contact with them. We would fly out to each each other every month. Sometimes twice a month. We were still as close as we were when we were teenagers. It was incredible how we managed to stay like that through the long distance.

So much had happened since I met Liam. My world was literally flipped upside down. I would go through it all again though and wouldn't change a thing. Liam, Lindsey, Matthew, and everyone that was around me was worth every tear, every fight, every mean tweet. They were all I needed. All I'd ever need. And all I ever wanted growing up. I wanted to be happy. Now I am.

I knew when I married Liam a lot of girls were heartbroken. I felt awful that I got to marry the man I loved years ago and they would never get to know him like I did. I felt awful about that. That's why I made sure Liam would reply and follow fans every chance he had. I met a fan one day that told me "Behind every great man stands a great woman." She then explained how she interrupted the quote. She said she thought of Liam and me. She believed I made him better. Her opinion took me by surprise. No one had ever said something like that to me before. It was very shocking and unbelievable. It took me a few minutes to recover.

No one knew just how happy we were. No one knew how much we would fight. No one knew all the house dates we had. No one knew how much I loved him. No one knew us. They thought they did but they didn't at all.

"They don't know about the dates we do
They don't know about the I love yous
But I bet you if they only knew
They would just be jealous of us
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know that I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right
Baby they don't know about
They don't know about us."

The end...

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