Chapter 29.

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I woke up like I always did; Liam had his leg thrown over my body while I had my head on his chest. I couldn't imagine what it was going to be like when he left for tour. I had gotten so used to having him around all the time.

I managed to get out of bed without waking him and walked to the kitchen. I was starving but was too lazy to fix a big breakfast so I threw a couple pieces of bread in the toaster and waited. Once it was done I went to the couch and flipped on the TV. I flipped through the channels and found that nothing was on this morning except the news and talk shows, which I despised. I only watched them if the boys were a guest or someone else I liked was on there. I finally decided on cartoons. It seemed right for this Friday morning. I didn't even know what time it was.

I ate my toast and watched the show. It was so stupid yet so funny at the same time. I didn't understand one thing but laughed anyway.

*Liam's POV*

I watched her laugh at the cartoon from the doorway so she couldn't see me. I loved how she closed her eyes tight and laughed but didn't make a sound. Also how she leaned forward from time to time from laughing so hard. Then when she tried to breath again once she was done laughing. She was so cute when she did that. Like a baby panda.

I also loved the way she let her hair fall naturally. She obviously didn't brush it out before. I loved how she didn't feel the need to impress me at every moment, even though she did.

She set the plate she was holding down and changed the channel. She passed a few news channels and stopped when Amanda's face was on the screen. Her mouth was open and I decided now was a good time to walk in. I sat next to her and kissed her cheek before turning my attention to the screen.

Amanda Brown was found Tuesday evening in her apartment. Police found a suicide letter but have determined that it was forged. They have a few leads in the case and are investing now. We will keep you updated on the case.

The reporter finished and Kristen's facial expression probably mirrored my own. It was a fake letter?! Who would do that?

There was a pounding at the door and we both looked at the door before looking at each other. I slowly stood up, as did she, and walked to the door. Before I could open it, Kristen asked, "Do you think it's the police?"

"I don't know love. We didn't do anything though so if it is we will tell the truth." She nodded her head and I opened the door.

"BOO!" the person screamed. Kristen screamed and we both jumped back. Andy walked in laughing as we caught our breath.

"You jerk! You gave us a heart attack!" Kristen said before punching him in the arm. He just kept laughing before closing the door behind him.

"Why are you both so jumping. It's like you're a criminal or something." Kristen rolled her eyes before going to our room.

"So how are you mate?" Andy asked.

"Good I suppose. You?" I said sitting on the couch and turning the volume down.

"I've been great. How's the album coming?"

"It is completed finally. We took our time on this one. We have an interview and photoshoot today."

"You said you had today off."

"I did? When?"

"This morning. That's why I stopped by."

"No I didn't." Andy looked at his phone.

"Oh. The other Liam sent me that. Oops. My mistake."

"You made a mistake? That's shocking," Kristen said sarcastically walking into the room. She was dressed in jeans, boots, and a sweater and had straightened her hair and done her make-up.

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