Chapter 4.

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*Liam's POV*

Niall and I escaped the mall without being noticed. We jumped in the rental car and headed back to the hotel. It wasn't too far down the road but there was some traffic so it took us a while. When we finally reached the hotel room, we were greeted by our cheerful bandmates. Apparently Zayn had brought energy juice with us to America.

"Howww wasss theee malllll?" Louis asked Niall.

"Oh it was. Fun," Niall answered as he removed his disguise. I did the same and sat down on my bed. It was only a little after 2 and we were bored. Yes. World famous artists get bored easily too. We got on Google Maps and searched for somewhere to go. I found an ice skating rink about ten minutes up the road. I loved ice skating. And so did the other lads.

"Hey lads? Wanna go ice skating?" I asked trying to talk louder than Louis but I wasn't quite yelling.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yessssss!" Louis screamed. Note to self, never give him caffeine again. Like ever.

"You should invite your new girlfriend Liam," Niall said as he crammed a Twinkie in his mouth. Did he ever stop eating?

"Awwhh! Has Liam fallen in love again?" Harry said flipping his hair. Okay. No caffeine for Harry either. Zayn was just sitting in a chair drawing. I had forgotten he was in the room. He's so quiet. If anyone deserves caffeine its him.

"Tell us about her." He said as he set his notebook on the table. I described how beautiful and caring she was. It's hard to describe her in words so I told the boys I would invite her. I texted her and to my surprise she replied very quickly. I grabbed my phone and stepped out of the room. There was no way I was gonna call her with them acting like idiots. I called Kristen and told her where and what time. It was about 2:30 so we had some time to spare. We decided to watch a film. I suggested Toy Story but all the lads objected. So instead we watched The Avengers. Louis loved that movie because he said he was Superman. Even though Superman wasn't even in the film.

When the film was over it was almost 5. I decided to get ready. There wasn't much to it. I just brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I also changed shirts. Harry took what seemed like forever to get ready. It was 6:15 when we walked out to the car. Niall wanted to drive because he wanted to show off his "skills."

We arrived at the rink at 6:30. Zayn, Harry, and Louis went inside to buy us passes. Hopefully it wasn't crowded. But it was a Saturday night so a bunch of teens were probably here on dates. I didn't know what Kristen was driving so I decided to text her telling her we were here.

"She's very pretty," Niall said as I watched a burnt orange Dodge Charger pull in the parking lot. It was a very pretty car but the windows were tinted so I couldn't see who was driving. As the car came to a stop, I watched as Kristen and another girl that looked like her, probably her sister, got out of the car. She saw me and waved. The other girl didn't look happy to be here. I wonder if Kristen made her come so she wouldn't be the only girl. Either way, I knew the boys were gonna turn her frown upside down. We had a special charm. Especially Harry, Louis, and Niall. Kristen and the other girl, I really needed to find out her name, walked up to Niall and me.

"Hi!" Niall said to the girl.

"Hey," she replied.

"I'm Niall!" He was clearly into her.

"Elizabeth. But you can call me Lizzy or Liz."

They continued to chat and I talked to Kristen.

"So, shall we go in and get our skates?" Niall asked. We all shook our heads yes and we walked in.

Harry had gotten us a room in the back. Louis and Zayn were already out on the ice. Niall said he was hungry so he went and got a couple pizzas. Niall, Liz, Kristen, and I ate one of the pizzas and continued to talk. Harry had joined Lou and Zayn on the ice. We finished our pizza and got our skates. I could tell Lizzy enjoyed stating because she was out on the ice faster than Kristen and I laced our boots. Kristen was having some problems with tying her skates so I decided to help her. I took her hand and helped her up.

"You ready?" I whispered as we walked to the ice. She hesitated for a moment.

"C'mon. I won't let you fall." I said as I stepped on the ice. A moment later she stepped on the ice and we were off.

-Author's note- 

Again. Sorry its a little boring. It will pick up soon. :) I have so many ideas for this story! I just have to find time to type them. It's so short. Grrr. I need to make them longer.

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